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"Kaylee! You're fine!" Dean yelled at me. I could see clearly now and I stopped fighting. Dean was over top of me, like I'd seen before, but he was just trying to keep me from stabbing him. Sam was on the other side of the bed, keeping my free arm down, the bloody bites that were there only a moment ago were gone. I took my arm back from him and felt my shoulder. Nothing there either. I had a break down, but I'm okay.

Dean tried to stand up, but I pulled him back down into a hug, an awkward on, but I don't care, "I'm sorry, Dean. I'm so sorry." I held on tight, scared I might never see him again.

"It's alright. You're okay." He pulled away again and I let him go.

I got up and gave Sam a hug to. I didn't want to loose him either, "Kay, it's fine. Really." He reasoned.

"I know. I know. I'm just really scared."

"It's okay." He held me tight, but let me go.

I backed away, "So, before I freak out again, I'm gonna go to sleep."

I made to go out to the car to get a blanket from my bag, but Dean stopped me, "You can double with me." I turned back at him. He looked nervous, "I mean, if you want." He tried laughing it off, "Wouldn't be the first time right?"

"Yeah, okay." I smiled and and came back inside, "Which one's yours?"

"Left one." He said.

"Okay, let me just change." I said and took my bag into the bathroom with me to get ready for bed. When I got out, Dean was changed and was brushing his teeth, "I claim the outside." I said and laid down in my spot. The outside was closer to the wall, and I'm a wall hugger.

Sam dialed Bobby and asked him to come here to help out since we were basically useless. Dean got into bed and, remembering the last time we shared one, stayed pretty close to the edge. "Bobby said he'll be here as fast as he can." Sam said as he hung up.

"Okay cool." I said as I got comfy under the covers. I was turned on my side, one hand under my pillow under my head, the other over my gut. Sam went into the bathroom to change for bed. And I closed my eyes and tried to relax. The thoughts of today flew through my mind. I may be dead tomorrow. A heart attack isn't how I thought I'd go. I though I'd be hit by a car or something. Uncertainty flooded me and my thoughts eventually turned to my friends. I liked them. They were great treasures to me. "Bobby sure is cool." I mumbled to myself. Mmhm. Yeah, he is. I smiled to myself. Cas is pretty cute. That second look was worth it.

"What?" Dean said groggily from beside me.

"Hm?" I asked, now really willing to speak.

"Something about Cas?" Dean asked. Sam started laughing quietly as he turned off the last light.

"Did I say that out loud?" I smiled wider.

"Yeah." Sam said. I heard his mattress squeak as he laid down.

"Dean get over here. I'm cold." I complained.

"Yeah, great excuse." He said as he scooted to the middle.

"Yeah, I'm a mastermind." He was laying on his back so I lowered my body so my head was level with his ribs below his armpit and wrapped an arm around his middle. I felt the gentle ripples of a laugh in his gut, "Shut up. This is a serious situation." I ripples got bigger and became audible. Sam laughed, too. I just smiled and fell asleep.

I woke up after Dean. He was up watching Gumby and scratching the shit out of his arm. But I can't say anything, I'd scratched at mine pretty bad, too. We didn't have anything to eat, so I didn't bother looking or going outside. We got a call from Sam saying he had a plan, but that was all.

"Jesus, oh lord, or whatever other god is up there, please be merciful." I said as I thought if Sam didn't make it in time and I died. Dean listened, but didn't say anything.

All was fine for a long while. Then Dean saw something and stood and started yelling at it. I was about to stand and help him through it when something appeared to me, Joel. "Hey, Kaylee."

"Joel." I nodded at him and stood. My heart racing.

"Heard you been real good lately."


"I was joking."

"Yes." Heart racing faster.

"What's wrong, Kaylee? Little ol' me ain't gonna hurt ya."

"Why should I believe you?"

He closed the gap between us. I tried to take a step back, but he grabbed my arm and put a hand to my heart, "I can feel it. I can feel your life leaving you." My heart was beating so fast now it hurt, "How does it feel? We're friends you can tell me." I tried to make any kind of notice but the pain was too great, "What, nothing? Maybe you need to lie down." He shoved me to the floor, his hand never leaving my chest. The pain got worse. I knew it didn't matter if I yelled for help, I can't get away. The pain got worse and worse until it was torturous and I felt the cold sweat on my forehead drip.

Then it was all gone. My heart still hurt quite a bit, but it wasn't climbing anymore, it was dissipating. I looked over at Dean, who was clutching his heart, same as me, and catching his breath. We sat there, staring at each other for a moment longer, before I thought of something, " What do you call a magic owl?"


"A hoo-dini." I smiled and we started laughing. I stood up and sat on the bed, Dean followed suit.

Oh, What A Bad Idea (A Supernatural Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now