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Look alive, Boy Scout. The words kept ringing in my head, along with the feeling of her forgiveness. I didn't deserve it. I watched as she seamlessly lied to Sam about our night, keeping with the story I told her. I watched her in the days after, pretend nothing had happened between us; it seemed like she believed the lie, herself. But I knew. And I knew she knew, even if she didn't want to. And now I also know that she does have a thing for me, no matter how much she denies it. And something about her kept me awake at night: Am I number four, or number five.

"So," she started at a late morning breakfast, "What are you guys gonna get me for my birthday?"

"Birthday? When?" Sam asked, moving his arm from the table to the back of the seat above her. Ow...

"The 18th." She looked at me briefly, I assume to try to spot at least a little care.

I smiled and sat up, "How old you gonna be?"

I smiled and sat up, "How old you gonna be?"

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"22." She smiled back, the dark eyes catching the light and looking amber.

"Great! That's in a few days. We should celebrate." Sam said, getting caught up.

"Yeah, that'd be great, but I was thinking more of a movie night or something. Or hey!" She perked up suddenly and put a hand on his shoulder and looking him in the eye. I looked away. I don't need to see this. "We should take a road trip to Arizona. There's somewhere I wanna visit."

"I'm up for it. Be nice to have a direction." I spoke up; still not looking.

"Yeah, okay." Sam said.

"When can we start?" She asked.

"Um... I'm good for tonight. Dean?"

I looked up, "Huh?"

"You wanna start heading that way tonight, or do you have something else you wanna finish here?"

"No. No. Ah, yeah, let's go today." I flashed a smile.


We left in the afternoon and I, being so excited to finally be going home again, stayed awake. When the guys stopped at a bar that night to hustle up some cash, I stayed in the car to sleep. I planned on staying awake for the whole trip, but the stops didn't count. After a few hours in a state between awake and asleep, the car was weighted down and the engine started. I was about to sit back up, but they started talking and I thought otherwise, "What are we gonna tell, Kay?" Dean sounded kinda pissed.

"The truth. She understands." Sam said coolly.

"It's her birthday, Sam. I don't think she'll take it lightly." We hadn't left the parking lot yet.

Sam chuckled, "Why do you always assume that? She's game. We've talked about it."

"Oh, she's game, now? When's the last time you talked to her?" It's getting heated. I should step in soon. "Cause she told me she was getting pissed off with how obsessed you are about all this." All what? The Lilith stuff? If there's an opportunity to get it all over with, let's take it. We can go to Arizona after.

Oh, What A Bad Idea (A Supernatural Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now