T.A Prodigies Chapter 4

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Ch. 4) Uncle Lucas

Its been 3 hours in the car and Holland Hills is 2 hours left. Harper couldn't take it anymore after waking up and ask if she can go outside the car to scream. Uncle Lucas has such a blank face "umm....ok?". They stopped the car then she started screaming "IM NOT GOTTA LOSE!!!!" Came back in and felt refreshed. Uncle Lucas was smiling at her. "Hey uncle Lucas how old are you?" Harper answered "I'm quite not old I'm only 25"said Uncle Lucas. "WHATTTT!?!? You're 6 years older than my BROTHER!" Exclaimed Harper. " well yea there's a 15 year difference from your father and I we were close" said Uncle Lucas. "Never mind that we're nearly home, after that I'm giving you 2 days to rest before going to school" said Uncle Lucas. "2 days is all I need. Once when I was in 5th grade I forgot my textbook to study and only had 15 minutes to study for a test I got an 101%" said Harper exotically. "Wow you must be very smart" smiled Uncle Lucas. "Uncle Lucas, somehow I feel very open to you I like that *yawn*" Harper announced. Harper asked if it was ok to fall asleep in Uncle Lucas's lap. He didn't mind. 2 hours later "Sir we approach our destination" said the securities. "Hey Harper wake up" silently Uncle Lucas said. Suddenly she jump off the car as fast as she can taking the picture of the house "huh? Wow!!! You live in such a big house Uncle Lucas!" Shouted Harper. "It's actually a mansion my darling Harper" said the old butler. "Oi Sebastian don't work to hard I'm afraid of your condi-" said Uncle Lucas. "Sir, I'm fine now thanks to the treatment you gave me I'll have the maids get your bags" cut off Sebastian. "HOW CUTE" maid #1 said. "SHE'S SO ADORABLE" maid #2 said. "WE MUST GIVE HER THE BOUGHT NIGHTGOWNS!" Maid #3 said. "SHUTUP YOU MAIDS!" Said the mean looking lady. "Who is she? And night gowns?" Whispered Harper. "Thats Helga. She's the care taker she'll be taking care of you and Fillow the cat every Mondays and Wednesdays and the night gowns i thought it would look cute on you" said Uncle Lucas. "Please get ready for dinner Harper and if you need anything ask me or Sebastian ok?" Said Lucas. "Alright" said Harper. At night Harper took a shower and wore the baby blue nightgown. "Splendid time to eat lobster lofeè"uncle Lucas wearing his night clothes. "A lobster lofeè is lobster soup with white rice side with some Italian salad." Said the man like he read Harper's mind. After 2 hours of getting to know things like the map and this huge place, Harper was left alone too sleep in a big room that's she's not used too then Fillow that shy cat looked at her then ran away. She scream then in her head she kept saying "endure endure endure" and fell asleep.

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