T.A. Prodigies Chapter 25

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Ch.25) Dustin and Kylie what does this mean?

The next day the students handed the money to mr. Finn. "Thank you all this is enough money to supply for 2 years!" Mr. Finn then gave it to the principle of the school. Harper came to go cheer this all up to Kylie. "KYLIE" said Harper curious where she is. "DUSTIN?" Yelled Harper. "That's odd...they would love to hear the news" said Harper. Harper going to the library to see where they were. She ask every teacher in every class they take. Finally the only place left is the attic. "Damn...these...people MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME!" Shouted Harper going up the stairs. She reached the top opened the door and there's more steps "YOURE KILLING ME" shouted Harper. "Hey Baka what are you doing you out of shape girl" said Blake and Joshua next to him having a gentle smile. "Blake you shouldn't treat her that way" said Joshua blushing. "Yea! You Moron!" Said Harper sticking her tongue out at him. "BUT DUSTIN" shouted Kylie. Blake covered Harper's mouth "shh I wanna see what's going on" said Blake. Joshua then opened the door. They see Kylie holding hands with Dustin. "My l-love....I only wish to be with y-you..." Said Dustin. "Oh but I can't I'm moving to Europe to spend time with my mother" said Teary Kylie. "Fine but just...one l-last kiss?" Asked Dustin as he wraps himself around her. Kylie blushes and her tears are in the way. "D-Dustin, I haven't even kissed you yet this will be our first and l-last...kiss" said Kylie closing her eyes. They slowly going closer and closer. The three watching (Blake, Joshua, and Harper) were stunned. "NOOOOOOO" shouted Harper. She's running towards them and pushing them and making a wall. "THE PHONE" said Dustin and Blake turns the phone off. Harper running to Joshua. "Joshy you saw it right? That was horrible they've kept a secret from me" cried Harper hugging him. "Wrong person idiot" said Blake. Harper cried even more because she hugged Blake instead of Joshua. She runs to Joshua "I can only trust you now" said Harper. "What was all of that?" Asked Blake. "My Grandma wants me to have a girlfriend to show the strength of our family. I asked Kylie to be my pretend girlfriend. I was about to ask Harper but I have a feeling she wouldn't be a good one plus some jealousy" said Dustin as he leans into Blake. Blake slaps him. "Hmm what?" Ask Harper not paying attention. Dustin's phone rang again. He picks it up. "Well, who were does people? And why did they try to stop your girlfriend Kylie and you? Anyways coming to visit your father so might just introduce me to your girlfriend properly" said Dustin's grandma. "Yes Nana bye" said Dustin as he hangs the phone up. "Hey who's your grandma anyways?" Asked Harper. "She's Zoella Xaxier she's owns 3 most VIP majesty castles in France" Said Joshua. "Damn these rich folks" whisper Harper. Dustin walks up to Harper and Joshua. "Will you guys be a couple for 2 days?" . "WHAT?!?" Said Harper and Joshua. Blake has an black aura around him now. Dustin a bit scared "well I don't want to be there alone please? And Blake you can be a confession to Kylie". Harper, Joshua, and Blake nodded.

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