T.A. Prodigies Chapter 32

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Ch. 32) Happy Birthday

It's April and its Harper's birthday. Mr. Finn gets to let her eat a cupcake. That's it? The whole entire day only Uncle Lucas, Sebastian, Sam, Helga, the 3 maids and Mr Finn congratulated her. "My 14th birthday..." Smiles Harper. Then after school, she went directly home. While she's changing in her big glossy bathroom into silky pajamas, the phone rings "oh is this Harper? My it's William..Blake's butler I wanted to say Happy Birthday to you goodbye". Harper smiles then cries "thank you William". Fillow comes in and walks to her because he has a note. "You're such a cute cat" smiles Harper. "From your family..Dear Harper, it's mother and Papa we're here to celebrate your birthday with Kevin, Sarah, Denali and many more of your friends. There's still Ryder's here but their numbers has decreased. Denali is now President and Sarah is so independent of her self now. Papa finally got some clothes that suits him. Kevin and I are doing well too I donated my long hair and Kevin is doing great here too. I hope we can meet again whenever you come to visit..come any time soon cause we're all here. Love, Mother" as Harper read tears coming down her cheek she looks at the picture they sent her. "I'm..glad they're happy" Harper then runs downstairs "Uncle Lucas lets go to my hometown as a present" uncle Lucas in sweat with Victoria in a dress. "Oh my I would love to go too!" Shouted Vic. They then drove out of the gate to Harper's hometown. "Ahh my place.." As Harper smells her town. There's a knock on the door as everyone is in Mother's house. She opens the door "HARPER!?!?" "LUKEY AND VIC HOW HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?" shouted people from the family. Kevin hugs Harper. "You're 14!". Harper then runs to Denali's house "Report for President please open the door!" Yells Harper. Denali opens it and sees Harper "HARPER !SARAH GET DOWN HERE". Denali looks a bit different she's even more fierce then she was before and Sarah does look more dependable more mature. "HARPER GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK" yells Sarah. "Oh isn't that Joshua and the others?" Harper leans over "b-Blake? Joshua!?!" As they both put their arms around her. Denali pulls her in and hugs her "no she's mine". Kylie flies in with two jets and it's her and Georgia and Sam and the others. "Everyone" smiled Harper. The party was so fun with reunites and more friendship bonding. Georgia got along with Sarah pretty well "Well Sarah it's gotta be fun you'll be our distant guest for the Joshua fan club" said Georgia "well *blush* umm ok" says Sarah. Sam, Kylie and Denali are talking about school stuff. "Hey where's the birthday girl?" Asked Joshua. Blake gives a cold stare which makes Harper's old friends' heart beat. "Oh Blake...& Joshua the Duo" says the girls. Harper on top of her roof "everyone having fun..I'm so happy" smiles Harper. "I'm finally 14 and a lot of things happen to me" said Harper as she is falling asleep. She fell asleep. Somehow Blake found her. He sees her asleep. "Happy Birthday, idiot" said Blake as he kissed her. Harper's eyes widened "YOU PERVERT". Blake then smiles "let me play you a song for your birthday cause it's stupid" he went back down to get the violin. Then he played it "so beautiful "they cheered only Harper on the roof and now fell asleep

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