T.A. Prodigies chapter 18

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Ch.18) Thanksgiving Surprises

This morning, Harper was walking to school with a red and orange polka dot bow. She saw Kylie in a pilgrim outfit super cute! "KYLIEEEE!" Harper running towards her. BANG! Kylie threw a fake turkey at her which landed on head. "Kylie but you look so cute! T_T" cried Harper. "Sorry Harper but I'm getting ready for the parade" said Kylie. "You're so lucky you got pick ! But you're so pretty that's why they pick you <3" said Harper with hearts in her eyes. "Today Georgia is back from her suspension" said Kylie. "Oh I better go now bye!" Worried and smiled Harper. Harper walking in the museum thinking about Georgia then she bumps into a tall brown eye guy with ginger hair he looks very attractive possibly a 9th grader. "Oh sorry little girl" said the guy "*bows down* oh no I should be sorry I'm the one that bumped into you" said Harper. The guy picks up some papers that had fallen down. "Hey you're Harper? The whole 9&10th graders are talking about you being pushed right?" Said the guy "umm yea it's already spreading out?" Asked Harper. "You're heading to school's museum right?"asked the guy. "Yea." Said Harper. "Oh my name is Sam I'm going to be your 9th grader guide" said Sam. "Oh cool!" Said excited Harper. In the museum Sam gave Harper a piggy-back ride showing Harper the school's history. "Oh my look its Georgia" said a 4th grader. Georgia walking towards Harper which Harper is hiding behind Sam. Blake and Joshua notices and Blake tries to run over there but he can't his ankle is still recovering. Georgia still walking towards Harper with her spikes ponytail. Dustin sees the whole thing and blocks Georgia. Georgia pushes him and then grabs Harper's hand. The crowds gasp. Georgia then hugs Harper crying "I'm....sorry" Harper shocked. She then hugs Georgia back and smiles "don't worry we're still friends I forgive you" Georgia glad but then whispers "Blake is still mine you know". Harper confuse then turns to see Blake. Blake then turns away. At thanksgiving, uncle Lucas celebrated this special holiday with his niece, Harper, Sebastian, Helga, and Fillow. *DING DONG* "I got it!" Yelled Harper with her orange long dress (maybe it is her style now but it needs her specialty) Harper gasp. "M..m-MAX!" (If you remember she has a brother name Maxwell) "HARPER!" They laughed and sang then eat. "Long time no see huh Uncle Lucas" said Max. "Yes it's been awhile are you sleeping here?" Asked Uncle Lucas looking at Harper eating. "Fairly not i have a science presentation tomorrow morning so I'm leaving today" said Max. Harper dropped her fork. "W-what?" Said sadden Harper. Max gave her a nudge "it doesn't mean I'm leaving you forever little sis" said Max. *DING DONG* "oh it must be my blind date" said Uncle Lucas. He opens the door to a women with too much red curls with a red dress that shows her breasts. Max's jaws open wide. Harper looking confuse. "Wow it took you 2 minutes psh" said the women "umm you must be Angela, I'm Lucas Linski" said Uncle Lucas "this is my nephew and niece Maxwell he's 18 and Harper she's 13" . "Hmp they look adorable especially maxwell" said Angela winking at Max. Max blushed. "Shall we start eating then" said Lucas. After 1 hour of eating the boys went to the bathroom to washed their hands first. "So how do you like it so far-" said Harper. "Shutup once I get married to Lucas , I'll get rid of you first" said Angela as she grabbed her hair. "Uhh..." Said Harper being frightened. "ANGELA GET OUT!" Yelled Uncle Lucas. "But-" said Angela trying to show her breast. "Get out! Nobody treats my niece that way GO!" Yelled Uncle Lucas. The maids push her out the door. Harper rushed to hugged Uncle Lucas.

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