T.A. Prodigies Chapter 29

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Ch. 29) Joshua's break?!

In T.A. Class, Mr. Finn had a task for the music group "I want all the music prodigies to perform for the whole entire school we have only 2 weeks to practice. Harper can you memorize 2 songs? Blake can you do 'In The Hall of the Mountain King' in a violin version? Joshua, Kathy, Peter, and other dancers can you dance hip hop, classical, dubstep, and ballet? Mrs. Furlong will be helping you guys know all the steps and I'll help Harper with her vocals. Elizabeth and Blake can work together with the string instruments students". They all said yes now it's time to practice. Harper singing 'Unconditionally' and ' I got sunshine' she takes big sips of water and yawns a lot. Joshua dancing so hard that when they had a break he didn't stop dancing. Everybody tried to stop him but he didn't listen. The top president of Joshua fanclub tried to stop him he ignored them. Harper walks up "Listen Joshy, don't push yourself we all seen you dance incredibly I think its time to take a rest" Joshua stops dancing "Harper, you don't get it I must perfect the routine" Joshua started dancing again. "But-" then Harper gets hit by Blake "don't bother him. You shouldn't". Blake then walks across the hallway badass which made the girls blush. It was time for the performance and Harper is getting nervous "What if I mess up? What if I trip? What if I sneeze? What if I forgot the lyrics? What if.." Kylie walks in "stop you'll do fine now I have your costume ready". Harper in a flowy pink dress and butterflies on her dress, her makeup is done and her hair is nearly done. "Thanks Kylie" Harper hugs her. "I don't like hugs" said Kylie. Harper sang peacefully her tone is so vintage kinda sounds like James bond's songs yet it can change the mood. Then it was Blake's turn when he plays he moves around a lot all the girls love him and cheers for him. Now it was time for the dance routine which combines Elizabeth with her harp and Harper's singing 'Unconditionally' at her greatest. The part where Joshua has difficult the most is the spin at the last part. He finally spins and nailed it! Somehow he falls down and steps off the stage. Harper still singing then stops "JOSHUA" the music is still going and she run towards him. Once she said that, Blake turned around his eyes widen and runs towards Joshua. Kylie and Dustin is in the crowd so they can't see what's going on. Harper finally got there but it was too late Joshua falls down. Blake finally got there too. He sees his best friend lying there with a broken leg and Harper just crying but she's trying to do something "JOSHUA ILL TAKE CARE OF YOU" said Blake. Blake and Harper carries Joshua. They put him in the nurse's office Kylie and Dustin finally knows what happen. Harper's crying "please Joshua I pray that nothing bad happens" Blake in silent sitting there guilty because he couldn't rescue the people he treasures the most. They all wait until Joshua is awake.

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