T.A. Prodigies chapter 12

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Ch. 12) Halloween

Harper woke up. Did her morning routine, but this time there was no school uniform out ywaiting for her. Sebastian gave her costume to her "here today the email said to wear your costume to school that's a restrict" Harper laughed "Sebastian you have to be kidding right?" Sebastian handed out the printed letter to her "on behalf of every student, you must wear your costume today on Halloween. If not, we shall punish you" Harper read. "Huhh ok?" Harper said. 7 minutes later the maids handed out her costume on and did her goddess look on for her. Harper look so beautiful in that white cloth dress. Blue needled sew on and a blue scarf wrapped her hands that's attached to the dress. "Wow this is so pretty" Harper said with curly hair tied into a bun. After that Harper went to school to see what her friends were wearing for Halloween. Little 3rd graders showed her their costumes then 5th graders. And boy in 6th grade that has a secret crush on her had an Gladiator costume "ummm can we be like this forever?" "What? What do you mean" asked Harper. "I mean a Goddess loves gladiators so will you be my girlfriend" said the boy. Joshua over heard. "Well umm I'm not interest in this stuff so I'm sorry bye now" Harper blushes then ran away. "OI over here mate" Dustin yelled. Dustin was wearing a Australian Zoologist and Kylie was wearing her handmade lollipop girl costume. "You guys look great!" Said Harper. Georgia walking up wearing a witch costume "Hmp! The three best costumes are Mine, Blake, and Joshua look they're coming!" Yelled Georgia. Joshua dresses as a cowboy and Blake as a vampire. "Oh looks its homeroom time lets go" said Kylie. "Goodbye forever!!!!" As Harper is pulled by Dustin. "It's only for 30 minute" Blake said with a blank stare. It's finally 12 and the haunted house is ready. "Are you guys ready for monsters and ghost and such? Cause I'm ready I'm a pro" Harper bragged. "Ok be careful" said. Dustin with Kylie. "Now now there must be a group of 6 inside you can split up" said the worker. "What...the..." Harper said with a blank stare looking at Blake. Their group is Blake,Harper,Kylie,Dustin,Joshua, and Georgia. "Hey you don't follow us ok?" Georgia said as she's trying holding Blake's hand. "I would not want to follow a pervert like him! Harper said as she did a face. "Whatever baka i wouldn't want to follow a clumsy girl like you" Blake said with a blank face. Now 3,2,1 "AHHHHHHH " Harper said as she's running away with a teary face T_T. "Whatever happen to pro Harper" asked Kylie. Harper running and scream for about 30 minutes already. Then suddenly Harper bumped into a wall and it trapped her in. "HELP" yelled Harper as Dustin and Kylie trying to get her out "HARPER!".

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