T.A. Prodigies Chapter 24

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Ch.24) T.A. Prodigies is closing?

It's that time of the year where the day is getting colder. Everybody in school can wear red or green sweaters. Harper wearing a green sweater and a red plaid skirt and one red bow already and go. Kylie wearing the same thing and Dustin wearing a red sweater. After lunch it was time to go to T.A. Prodigies. "Hold on I need my vocal workbook for T.A." Said Harper. Kylie and Harper walking to T.A. until they see other prodigies crowding the door "look! There's a sheet saying this will be the last class for T.A. Due to budgets. "WHAT HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE THIS SCHOOL IS FOR THE RICH" shouted Harper. "Well,well,well even though we're rich, we're don't have any talents like you do. You look down on us don't you? You bitc-" said one of the high schoolers. "HEY YOU GUYS ARE SUPPOSE TO BE IN CLASS!" Yelled a teacher. "Sorry class, we had some discussion about the budget if you read the sheet outside" said Mr. Finn. Jacob Cortes (11th grader major at drawing) raises his hand "I've been in T.A. For 8 years. Everything was fine why is it changing now?" Students agreed. "This school is very wealthy. How is it we have budget problem?" Asked Kylie. Isabelle Hollies (1st year of Holland's college) "what can we do to stop this?". "Every year we get at least 3 new T.A. Students, Holland High school buys the top advance equipment for their talents. We also have a budget on how many we can spend for all the student in and out of T.A. Prodigies. And the last question I can answer because I can't think of a solution" said Mr. Finn. "How about a fundraiser?" Said Harper. The class cheered and back Harper up. "We need 8,000dollars each grade though do you think we can work this?" Asked Mr. Finn. "Of course we can we can use our talents to fundraise just like the festival" said Joshua. "When is the closing of this? That should be our due date" said one of the 9th grader. Then mr. Finn nodded "it's in 2 days" The students ran out to think of a plan. They ran into their grade to think of a plan. "Maybe Kylie can make bracelets, Dustin and I make a dog show with my singing and Blake and Joshua can do some violin dubstep" said Harper. "Idiot, how are we going to make a violin dubstep?" Said Blake. "Then how about Blake and I can do a violin/dog show?" Suggested Dustin. "Alright lets do that!" Cheered Harper. After school, it was time to work. Kylie,Dustin, Joshua, and Blake went to Harper's house. "Come in!" Said Harper as she's opening the door. "We counted what our parents gave us in total there is only 5,680 dollars what about you?" Asked Kylie. "700" said Harper. "Great now that 6,380" said Joshua. They walked outside to the park and started to make stage. Kylie making bracelets and necklace already putting up a banner she got from Harper's house it says "ONE BRACELET = 3.00 TWO BRACELETS = 5.00 NECKLACE =7.50". Harper walked up to see what's Dustin and Blake are doing right now. Dustin seems to be practicing with 2 of his dogs. Blake setting up the speaker. "Harper can you help a bit?" Asked Joshua. Harper runs over to see what's going on. They seem to both working on the caution line and stage. After 50 minutes of setting up its time to start. Kylie so far got 85$ and then adds it to her money jar. Many little girls paying Blake and Dustin 1.00 for Blake's attraction and the dogs' performance in total they got 115$ Harper singing "starships" and Dustin's hip hop dance moves got the both of them 55$. "Great only 2,000 more" said Joshua. "UHHH lets work even harder!" Said Harper. After 3 hours and it was nearly night time, they finishes theirs goal. Kylie has the money jar because they all agreed to let her have the jar.

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