T.A. Prodigies Chapter 7

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Ch.7) First Day of School

It wasn't the first day of school for Kylie or Dustin as it was October. *DING DONG* "Harper are you ready?" Ask Sebastian. "I'm ready Sebastian" Harper said. Her uniform was different from her old school. It was material made white classic shirt tucked in a red plaid skirt and there was a jacket that matches the skirt. "Wow this is so pretty" Harper's mind has said. Sebastian open the door to the backup car which was a black Lincoln. As she stepped into school there was 2 securities surrounding her. It made Harper really uncomfortable that they were surrounding her while the students gossips. Then Kylie and Dustin showed up showing her locker. "Umm mister men sir can you leave now?" Ask Harper with her puppies eyes. "Yes of course" the two men left. "I'll show you your locker it's next to mine" said Kylie. "We have the same classes together great but not home room" said Kylie.*BELL RINGS* "Bye Harper-" said Kylie "NOO DONT LEAVE ME!" Cried Harper. Kylie smile "don't worry you're in the same home room as Dustin it will be ok". "YEA DONT WORRY" said cheering Dustin. "Class, I want to introduce you too Harper Linski" said the teacher "Please to meet you all I'm Harper. I hope you all be my friends" said Harper. The class shouted "SHE'S THE GIRL!" . Harper froze "girl?" The teacher said "Never mind class Harper please take a seat next to Dustin" . In the cafeteria, Harper went to get a cookie then "Hey do you you're getting heavy?" said the cold boy. "AHHHHH" scream Harper then jump. "YOU'RE THE PERVERT MORON!" Yelled Harper. . "And you're the stupid idiot Baka" said the cold boy. "Who are you calling our Blake Matthews the general fanclub admission a 'pervert moron'" said bunch of girls who have the same style of hair. "Girls , leave this to me. Oh you must be Harper Linski same homeroom class with our Blake. I'm Georgia the fanclub president" high and mighty Georgia has said. Georgia's hairstyle is different from the girls her hair is in pigtails while the girls are in ponytails. "Why do you have a fanclub for that Blake moron guy" asked Harper "Nevermind that lets go" pulled Harper's arm by Dustin. *piano plays* "this song it reminds me of something now I just wanna-" Harpers mind told her. *Harper sings*. "Wow that voice we must catch up and put it in T.A" said the principle.

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