T.A. Prodigies Chapter 9

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Ch. 9) Home Sick

It's already been 2 weeks when Harper got here. It's that time of the period when Harper gets home sick. On Saturday, Harper woke up, did her morning routine and went back to bed looking at her family picture and her friends picture. The only one who is allowed in her room is Fillow. Yes, Fillow and her got along with each other by having in common with being scared a lot. Uncle Lucas was pretty worried so he invited Mr. Finn the only teacher that has a connection with her at school. "Hey Harper open up! It's Mr. Finn lets practice your singing OI" said Mr Finn as he's knocking the door as hard as he can. The door open slightly then Fillow start attacking him and then Fillow went back in. There was a note that got left behind "I'm not feeling happy today maybe on Monday? -Harper" Uncle Lucas then walked out of the hallway. "What will happen? " the maids said. In Harper's room, she's playing a video tape of her 9th birthday with her friends and family crying and snuggling with Fillow. "OI its Dustin and Kylie can we go in?" Said Dustin. There she was puffed up by crying a lot. "Come in" Harper said like she was dying. Kylie open the door then SHUT IT HARD! "Thanks" Harper said. "Hey are those your friends?" Asked Dustin . "Yea I miss them wonder what they're up to" said Harper crying slightly. Joshua (acquaintances) asked "hey Harper are you ok? It's Joshua and Blake ". Harper whispered. Kylie answered for Harper "Joshua can come in" . Then Fillow went outside to try to attack Blake, Blake already knew what would happen, he had a blank stare and was holding Fillow on the neck so Fillow (the white and brown spotted little kitty cat ) couldn't attack. "I'm leaving. Come Joshua. Bye Dustin bye Kylie bye Idiot Baka" said Blake as he's walking slowly out. As Joshua opens the door, Blake just stood there because two girls were outside. One had red short curly hair and she's short and cute (Sarah) and one had short raven hair straight with bangs and she's tall and goth ish (Denali). Harper walked out to find them here. She runs towards them "I MISS YOU GUYSSSS" .

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