T.A. Prodigies Chapter 31

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Ch. 31) Confessions

It was February 26. There is this transfer student name James Kyle. He is a player. After a while, he flirted with Kylie. She didn't give a crap. In fact, she beat him up until he gave up. One day, she was talking to Harper and James walked by "this flower is for my beautiful princess *kiss hand* Kylie". Kylie punched him all the way to the sky. But while flying up, he saw a glance of Harper. That was the first time he ever met Harper. "D-do I really like her?" Asked James. "Was he the transfer student? I have to greet him" smiled Harper to Kylie. Kylie didn't really want bother with James but since it's for her best friend of course she'll do it. Sam (9th grade friend one year above of Harper's) walked up to Harper "I need your help can you replace my guide tour for the transfer student I have basketball". "Perfect" said Harper. She adjusted her bow. "Hi I'm Harper I'll be a substitute for Sam-" then James smelled her hair "as expected from a beauty your hair smells like heaven" Harper grinned because she was annoyed. After 15 minutes of tour guiding and flirting she finished. Blake then waited for her with Joshua with two legs. "Hey I don't want to be a flirt but your bra strap is falling" said Blake. Harper blushed she pulls it up "I hate playboys". James stopped, he then felt guilty because he been flirting with her the whole entire time. Harper punching Blake "hey aren't we going to car race with Kylie and Dustin?" Asked Joshua. "Yea of course" cheered Harper. "umm Harper can I have a second?" Asked James. She walks with him "I'll be back, Joshua. Blake" said Harper. "Listen, I know I've been a jerk this whole time but how about starting over and being myself to you please?" Asked James. Harper smiled "ok at least you were honest I'll go with you. When?" Asked Harper. "After school please?". Harper thought about it "alright fine I'll handle it". She walked back to Joshua and Blake "Sorry guys I can't make it better luck next time". "Ok whatever" said Blake even though he did care. After school, James and Harper went to a café. "We'll take two orders of Hot Chocolate" said Harper. James whispered "are you sure? We go to the richest school yet and you ordered hot chocolate?" To himself. Harper stars at him with peaceful eyes "I ordered it because it's fun when you do stuff and get a reward" she smiled. He blushed. "Oh we're those two any of your boyfriends?". Harper laughed "Blake not a chance..(even though we kissed and..forget it) and Joshy umm not really (well I used to..)". "But I'm a T.A. Prodigy it's a program you take 3 times a week based on your talent" said Harper. "What's your talent?" Asked James. Harper grabs his hand "here's 10$ thanks for the drinks" James blushed again. Harper brought him outside in front of the bridge where the snow is beginning to melt. Harper sings Somewhere Over the Rainbow. James smiles and blushes again (I think I do love her..what did I just say?). As in the middle of her singing, her cell phone rings "oh James I have to go home but it was fun being with you" smiled Harper. James suddenly was so sad (I'm 14 good looking and rich what else does girls want). James walks in closer to her. "I think I'm in love with you" said James. Harper stops "w-what I have to go". James grabs her hands and hugs her tight "I want you to be mine" Harper pushes him away. "Stop" said Harper as he leans in to kiss her. Blake then pushes James away. Blake gives him a death stare "maybe you should go home". Blake then walks Harper home. "Thanks that was close-"said Harper. "Harper..what would you do if someone confess to you again" said Blake in a serious face. Harper blushes "I would die" she laughs. Blake kisses her suddenly. "Don't go with another guy but me cause I love you, idiot" said Blake. Harper blushes then cries "You..idiot". Blake then slaps Harper "well if you do leave I will not forgive and will to torture you" said Blake. Harper cried even more "YOU BIG FAT PEDO IDIOT" as she runs to her door.

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