T.A. Prodigies chapter 36

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Ch.36) The whole summer without Blake

Harper woke up crying "wait was it just a dream?" Her hopes up. Fillow awake licks Harper. "SUMMER!" Cheered Harper. She then fell asleep again. 10:15 am she was finally awake."Oh miss Harper you're finally awake Kylie has called you so has Dustin" said Maid #2. "Thank you" said Harper. She brushed her teeth did her hair and put on an orange dress and a white jacket and a orange bow. She ran down "I'm going with Kylie, Dustin, Joshua, and Blake" she stopped "and...Blake". Dustin, Kylie, and Joshua showed up "oh hey Harper.." Said them. Harper crying and taking out her bow. She let her bangs fall with her hair. "Let's go" said Harper. They never seen her without a bow so it was awkward. "She does look pretty cute with her bangs out" said Joshua. They went to an amusement park. Harper only smiled twice. They went to a aquarium, she smiled once. Then went for ice-cream, Harper didn't even dare to smile. "Harper, Blake wouldn't want you to be like this" said Dustin. Kylie facepalmed then punched Dustin. Harper smiled and laughed "but he would want to see this lovey-dovey". Joshua laughed too. "WE ARE NOT LOVEY DOVEY YOU STUPID GIRL" yelled Kylie and Dustin. The whole summer, Harper stayed strong and laughed and sing and danced. Not just her but everyone else now it's the last day of summer. Harper fell asleep and somehow wanted to write Blake a letter. "Hey Moron, how are you? I'm doing great so far. I do miss you..you- your violin yeah you're violin. Joshua grew taller so did Dustin. Oh and Dustin and Kylie are a bit lovey dovey shh don't tell them that. Maybe Joshua remembers who Sarah is. Mr. Finn got heavier I saw him the other day. I also visited my family and they all wanted to hear your violin. Well me too for the last time but that's alright -Harper" she mailed it. Then fell asleep. The next morning there was a mail sent by Blake. "Blake...YOU BRATTED MORON" blushed Harper. The disc came home. She played it "Hello, I'm doing fine this is for you." He then played his violin beautifully. "I may not be able to speak to you in a while goodbye". Harper showed it to Dustin, Kylie, & Joshua (plus Georgia kind of).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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