T.A. Prodigies Chapter 23

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Ch.23) Harper's sleeping

Uncle Lucas brought Harper to their house. Harper still asleep and harshly breathing. "We need to feed her the vaccine in 3 hours" said Sebastian. Helga walks up "Don't worry sir Lucas I'll take good care of her". The maids and Fillow has an sad expression. Three days later, the homeroom teacher said "class please welcome Harper again". Harper walks in having a black aura then a second later she smiles "GOOD MORNING! *cough*". The class runs up to her. "It's really Harper!" Said Kylie smiling. Kylie hugs Harper. "Class take a seat I have an announcement, tomorrow will be our first field trip to bungee jump" said the teacher. "Bungee jumping?" Asked Harper. "Yes the last three days we were discussing how our field trip is gotta be-" said Dustin. Blake and Joshua walks in class. "Now what are-" said interrupted Blake. "Harper!" Said Joshua as he's running towards Harper. "Hi Joshua! Hi Moron!" Smiled Harper then she coughed. Blake shocked and worried about that cough. "Yay I love to bungee jump *cough* " said Harper. "You're not going" said Blake. "What? Why?" Asked Harper. "You're just not going ok?" Said Blake. "Hmp" said Harper being mad at Blake. At Harper's house, she discussed it to uncle Lucas "I'm sorry but you're still not fully healed I don't want anything to happen to you" "but Uncle Lucas "I would be the only that's not going please!" Cried Harper. "Fine, but you would have to wear what I am allowing deal?" Said Uncle Lucas. "Yay!" Shouted Harper *cough* Victoria walks in wearing a white long high-low dress and a grey cardigan going to the living room. "Harper darling you must wear this mask for protection then" said Vic (Victoria). "Alright!" Said Harper. At the bungee jump place everyone was wearing t-shirts and shorts and a jacket but Harper (as she agreed the deal she made with uncle Lucas) was wearing a white dress and jeans under is and a jacket also she's wearing a mask to protect herself. "Ugly you didn't follow my commands" said Blake. All the girls from other schools came to hug Blake. "Blake lets go bungee jumping together" said one of the girls. *sneeze* Harper as she got a tissue. "EWWWWW don't get me and Blakey sick" said the girl. "Sorry *smile and cough*" Harper. Georgia ran up to the girl "WHO SAID YOURE GOING WITH HIM". After showing them how to put on the gears and safety info, it was time to bungee jump. "Harper I want you to be careful ok?" Said mr. Finn. "I got it lets go Kylie" said Harper. Blake and Joshua was just done bungee jumping they turned around to see Harper and Kylie. "Ready?" Asked Kylie all prepared. "Yup" said Harper not noticing that she forgot to tie her not. Blake notices and run towards her but it was too late. The girls jump and Kylie went back up "HARPER". The crowds gasp Mr. Finn gets the rescuers. "What the- oh I forgot to tie the knot please forgive me" said Harper in her head. "U IDIOT" said Blake jumping off the bridge and trying to get her hand "GRAB MY HAND U IDIOT". Harper closes her eyes and opens it "I'm such a bothersome for Blake for the things he done for me" said Harper in her mind as her hair flows with her. "Sorry....Blake" said Harper as she falls in the water. Blake heard those two words and his eyes widened "U IDIOT" he jumps in the water to catch the knocked out girl. "I'm not going to lose you" said Blake in his head. Blake finally reaches Harper in the water and swims up carrying her. Harper wakes up dizzy and a blanket over her. "Harper are you ok?" Asked Joshua. "What yea wait what happen?" Asked Harper. "Blake caught you when you were falling" said Dustin. "Oh then I have to thank him" said Harper. Blake stolen fangirl's hearts by having his hair wet. "Blake....umm....thanks" blushed Harper.

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