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:3 Once upon a time...
Your POV:
Garroth had to leave the park because he was going on a date with Aphmau. Laurence was still at the park, but he went to go skateboard with his sister on the other side of the park. I really want to meet his sister sometime.

Me and Travis just explained everything that happened to Aspen.

The three of us stood in front of the still unconscious Ashton, eating the rest of Garroth and Laurence's popcorn as we watched an occasional one or two people pass Ashton. Everyone who passed him was either really weirded out, thought that Ashton was drunk, or thought that they were drunk. Everyone had to stifle a laugh as they passed. A lot of people must've recognized him as the famous Ashton Gray because they were snapping pictures left and right. One of the women who passed called a whole bunch of people to talk about it.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the paparazzi showed up soon.

If only the paparazzi was there when I needed photos for proof.

The press is going to flip over this.

If only the press was there when Ashton's wickedness needed to be revealed.

"This is absolutely amazing, but you forgot a key part!" Aspen exclaimed. Me and Travis both looked at him with a confused expression.

"-And what is that?" I asked.

"A new hairstyle!" Aspen said. "Luckily I have my kit in my car. I actually came down here to give Garroth and Laurence haircuts."

"This is awesomer than awesome," Travis said.

"So, should I do it?" Aspen asked.

"Is that even a question?!" I asked.

Aspen burst into laughter. "Good point. I'll go get my stuff."

Time Skip with the TARDIS

"What hairstyle? Should I dye it?" Aspen asked.

"Ashton always said how much he hated those spiked Mohawks. He also hates the color pink. So, how about we do a spiked Mohawk dyed pink?" I said.

"I'm already on it, boo," he said, getting straight to work.

Aspen started to take stuff out of his bag. I knew what the scissors were. However, I didn't know what most of the other tools were, and I didn't know what was inside 50% of the bottles. There was a lot more to this than I thought.

Aspen pulled an apron over his head. (Would it be called an apron? A hair dresser apron? I don't know. If it doesn't have an official name already, I want to name these Hairprons! LETS MAKE HAIRPRONS A THING!!!)
The apron covered Aspen's well picked outfit. He was wearing a light blue button up, which was unbuttoned all the way to fourth of way down. He was also wearing some black jeans jeans, a dark gray suit vest, and a pair of black converse.

Aspen went to work, and me and Travis watched silently like Hawks at the nearby picnic table. Well, we tried to be silent. Me and Travis were secretly kicking each other underneath the table, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You meet two lunatics once, and then a week later you're hanging out with them?" I asked Aspen. When I said lunatics, I was talking about Laurence and Garroth.

"Awe, playing footsie now? Puppy love is so adorable," Aspen remarked.

"Answer the question, you old grassy squash fart!" I said.

"What kind of insult is that?" Travis asked. I quickly kicked him in the shin, under the table. That shut him up.

Aspen laughed. "Sis, I honestly just wanted to make some friends that were somewhat in this area. Most of my friends live back in Okasis, living the life of fame and fortune because they all became models, famous designers, of started their own line of cosmetics. All of my friends from high school and college went in different directions. My theater friends moved to Scaleswind, since that's where all of the latest Broadway hits are created," Aspen explained.

"Jeez! I didn't need a life story!" I said. "It's nice to talk to you though; in person. I feel like we haven't spent quality time together in a long time."

"Awe, miss moi?" He asked, snipping away at Ashton's hair.

"Yes, I did miss you, even your stupid face."

"-But I thought that I was an old grassy squash fart!?"

I sighed. "Fine, you aren't an old grassy squash fart. You're an old sparkly fabulous rainbow fart," I said.

"Thanks boo!"

"You're welcome," I said. "So, any new crushes?" I asked. I smiled, remembering the treasured memories.

"I still remember the 'sleepovers' we would have. Mom and dad would be asleep, and I'd sneak into your room so we could stay up all night talking, watching YouTube videos, and playing games. We would tell each other our secrets, and then we would play charades. We would have pillow fights, and play video games. I would give you a makeover, and teach you how to dance because you would always have school dances, and not know what to do. As we got tired, we would go into our 'secret unicorn base' and watch a movie. We would never really watch it, because we would be busy talking or telling jokes to each other. You would turn to me and ask, 'So, any new crushes?' Then we would talk about our crushes, and continue to talk about everything and anything until we fell asleep. We should totes have a sleepover again," Aspen said.

I smiled. "We should. That would be super fun. We can even make a new 'secret unicorn base'!" I said.

"Yay!! This is going to be fantastic! I'm already going to start planning this, girlfriend!" Aspen said. "By the way, I do have a crush, but I'm not giving any details until I find out if he's straight as a stick, or as fabulously gay as I am."

I chuckled. "You have to give me all the details at our sleepover. Remember the time that you had that little boyfriend of yours you had in the adoption center? Him and that one girl were our best friends back in Meteli. What were their names again? It's been so long. I wonder where they are now. I heard that the father of the little girl who played with us adopted your little boyfriend," I said.

"I remember that!!! I remember my little 'boyfriend', and his now sister. The little boy was into theater and soccer like me. His sis' was really into fashion like me. We were really good friends," Aspsen said.

"Did you know that Laurence was adopted?" Travis asked.

"He was?" I asked.

Travis nodded. "Yeah, he was. He came from Meteli too. His sister isn't his biological sister. She's his adoptive sister. Her name is Cadenza. She's a nice girl, who's really into fashion design. You'd probably get along with her, Aspen," Travis said.
Hmmm... You and Aspen were adopted in Meteli? Aspen had a little boyfriend, and you guys had a friend who was a girl and whom wasn't in the adoption center? The girl and Aspen's little boyfriend became siblings? Laurence was adopted from Meteli too? Hmmm... Nope, nothing going on at alllllll.

Aspen is amazing. He's one of my favorite characters in this. He's so fun to write with.

Anyways, guys, thanks for everything. You guys are amazing, and I hope that you have a fantastic day or night. Love ya! Bai!

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