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[San Park]

"Which flavor should I get today?" I asked my friend Yoongi who was standing behind the cash register at the boba shop. Well he wasn't really my friend but I've come to this place a shit load of times for him to remember my name and we converse about our day, plus he gives me discounts sometimes when he feels nice.

"You've tried almost all the flavors except kumquat." Yoongi said.

I made a face and vigorously shook my head, "I would never order kumquat  boba. I don't hate myself."

"Fine, then get a thai tea like the basic bitch you are."

I blew the hair out of my face and narrowed my eyes at him, "Fine. Make me a thai tea."

I leaned against the counter and watched him make my drink. Yoongi says he usually hates it when customers watch him make the drinks because it makes him feel insecure, so I do it anyway.

"Here's your drink." He stuck a straw through the top and slid the drink over across the counter.

I took a sip of it, happily quenching my thirst and smiled. "Mmm it's good."

"Oh is it?" He smirked and shook his tip jar in front of me.

I raised my eyebrow at him and continued to sip on my boba. "You want a tip? Pay attention to who you're sending your DMs to. Getting a dick pic from you more than once is enough."

His face fell and he whispered harshly, "Wait what??"

"Yeah I assumed that you accidentally sent me those pictures on instagram, but I didn't want to put you in an awkward position so I never told you."

"Oh my god...what did you do with the pictures?"

"I saved them in case I need to black mail you."


I ignored his pleads for me to delete his pictures as I chewed my boba. I laughed at my phone and showed him my screen. "Look I made one of your pictures my lockscreen."

His jaw dropped and he lunged over the counter to grab my phone. "You bitch. Change that!"

"Oh look. So smol."

"bitch." Yoongi muttered under his breath. "Can you at least change your username? You and my girlfriend's usernames are so fucking similar."

I laughed to myself again as I ignored him and went on a photo editing app to decorate a picture.

"Look Yoongi I decorated your dick pic with hearts and sparkles." I held my phone out in front of me and was met with the most beautiful dimples I've ever seen.

I stared at the guy for a good 5 seconds before realizing that he was looking at my phone.

"Uh...is that you?" Handsome dimple boy spoke and he pointed at my screen and then to Yoongi.

I snapped back into reality and Yoongi grabbed the phone right out of my hands and put it in his back pocket. "Namjoon, just order your damn drink."

Dimple boy aka Namjoon chuckled and spoke again, "I'll have the mango milk tea with aloe vera."

oooh he has such fancy taste.

I stared at the side of his face again as he paid for his drink. He conversed with Yoongi about I don't know what because I couldn't hear anything. I was too busy staring at his dimple and he was so cute I wanted to lick his face or something.

Yoongi handed Namjoon his drink and he waved 'goodbye' to me before leaving. Once the door closed I slammed my hands on the counter, making Yoongi jump. what a pussy.

"Who the fuck is he? Is he your friend? Set me up with him!"

"His name is Namjoon. Yes he's my friend. And no fucking way." Yoongi answered while crossing his arms.

"Why not???" I whined and pouted like a little kid. Hopefully Yoongi would give in to this shit.

"Why would I want to help a thirsty bitch like you?"

"I'll delete your dick pics from my phone if you set me up with your hot friend."

Yoongi looked at me skeptically and then handed me my phone. "You better delete all the copies you have of this. Delete it from your phone, delete it from your DMs, delete it from your dropbox, delete it everywhere!"

"Promise! I will!" I deleted the picture from all the sources and showed them to Yoongi for proof.

"Alright fine. I'll introduce you to him tomorrow."

"Yay!" I cheered while sipping the last of my drink. "Now make me another drink, I'm still thirsty."

"Of course you are."


started April 19, 2016

I thought of this trash plot this morning and decided to make it into a story maybe

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