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a/n sorry in adv for any typos :-)

[San Park]

I was waiting patiently--or more like impatiently--in my living room for Jimin to come.

He kept the location of our date a secret so I was anticipating where we were going to go.

Ok well it's not exactly a date, but I'm just going to call it that in my mind.

The doorbell rang. Finally :-)

I opened the door and see Jimin holding a puppy. "Oh my god. Is that dog yours?"

"Nope." He said in an overly excited tone. "I found this little cutie on my way to your house. It's adorable though, right?"

"Ermm," I noticed that the dog had on a collar, I didn't want to break it to him that he was going to have to find the owner and return it to them. "Jimin, don't you think the right thing to do is put up lost dog fliers?"

"I'm just messing with you, Park. This is my dog, Hobi. We're going to a byod event today."


"Bring your own dog," He explained. "There's a dog festival happening down town and there's gonna be a shit load of puppies there!"

Jimin's excitement was contagious and I was soon very eager to arrive at the festival. While we were waking, he let me hold Hobi, who was really tiny, but kept squirming around in my arms.


"Oh my god Park. Look at all the shiba inus!" Jimin jumped up and down and couldn't wait to bring out his phone to take pictures of the dogs.

"Hey Jimin, look at these!" We passed by the souvenir booth and I pointed at dog ear headbands that look similar to the ones in the snapchat filter. I put one on myself and Jimin followed after me.

Jimin took a picture of us on his snapchat and put the caption "hoe filter IRL"

"These are fun. I'll buy it for us!" Before I could say 'no,' Jimin had already taken the headband out of my hand and dashed to the cashier to pay for it.

He came back and gently placed it on my head, and then put on his. He looked really cute with it on too :')

"Ah thanks Jimin." I touched my cheek, feeling flattered that he bought this for me.

"No problem, you look hella cute in it."

I tried to hide my blush as we continued our walk around the festival. There was an area designated for rides and Jimin suggested that we go on the teacups. Other riders brought their dogs on the ride too as it went fairly slow.

Jimin held onto Hobi as our teacup spinned. Afterwards, he tugged me over to the dog meet up where basically all of the attendees bring their dogs in one area and you can pet and take pictures with all of them.

"HOLY FUCK PARK! TAKE MY PICTURE!!" Jimin sat down in the center and was basically bombarded with dogs of all sizes. He looked so happy to be surrounded by all those pets. He was hugging every single one of them.  "Aw man, do I smell like a dog now?"

I nodded and handed him a pack of moist towelettes from my purse as well as hand sanitizer. After he applied all of that on, the dog smell faintly went away.

"Let's go get some food," Jimin announced and I agreed. I was feeling quite hungry too. "Aw man, there's a lot of people now...hold Hobi." Jimin handed me his dog and then went behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Let's go."

He was steering me left and right, making sure that I wouldnt bump into anyone. Suddenly I feel his chest push up against my back and he was holding me very close to him.

"Sorry, someone bumped into me." Jimin apologized.

But then his hands moved from my shoulders to my waist as he continued to maneuver me to the food vendors. "Is there anything specific that you want?"

"Um...I-I don't know..." I whispered, still flustered at the fact that Jimin had his hands around me.

My eyes went to a booth that I really wanted to go to. "Oh! Over there!" I pointed to the cupcake and boba stand.

"Ah of course," Jimin laughed. He removed his hands from my waist and I began to feel disappointed. Ugh stop feeling this way, Park.

Jimin bought a box of special maple bacon cupcakes that were edible for dogs and humans and two thai tea bobas.

We sat down on the grass and began to eat our food. Jimin placed a cupcake down on the grass and Hobi attacked it.

"You know, I heard there's gonna be fireworks soon." Jimin said, checking his watch. Right as it got dark, it was announced that the fireworks display was going to start.

We stared up into the sky and everyone 'ooh'd and ahh'd' at the first firework.

"These look so cool." Jimin commented as he casually slung his arm around my shoulder. I didn't mind because I was getting pretty cold and his body heat made me warmer, but I also didn't mind because of how it made us look like a couple lol.

Ugh. Stop it, Park!

I nodded in agreement and watched the rest of the display. Right when the show got to its climax with dozens of fireworks exploding at the same time, I feel Jimin tilt his head to the left, resting his head against mine.

"Hey, can I tell you something?"

"Hm? Yeah, what is it, Jimin?"

I looked up at the dark sky again which was lit up with a breathtaking view. I could tell that the display was ending soon since there were so many explosions going off at once, but it made the sight even more beautiful.

"I like you, Park."

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