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[3rd person]

After Jimin was done with his after school activities, he took his normal way to the boba shop, which he found himself to be at more often than usual.

On his way there, he passed by a vintage candy store. He recalled during one of his conversations with Park, that she really liked salt water taffy, so he went inside the store and decided to pick some up for her as a surprise.

"She'll enjoy this." Jimin said to himself as he placed the packet of salt water taffy into his backpack.

+in the boba shop+

"Hey Jimin. Should I make you your usual drink?" Yoongi asked, already picking out ingredients.

"Mm nah, Park told me to try out the lychee boba the next time I'm here, so I think I'll order that...but I'll order it when she gets here." Jimin leaned against the counter, checking the time on his watch. Park would usually get to the boba shop before him since she doesn't have any after school clubs.

"I don't think she'll come in today. She texted me that she's sick." Yoongi informed.

Jimin's face fell into a pout. Park never texted him that. Why would she just text Yoongi?

Yoongi's phone vibrated on the table counter. He picked it up, reading that it was a text from Park. "Yooooongi bring me a kumquat drink on your way home. Dont forget the boba."

Jimin suddenly perked up. "I can bring it to her."

"Why do you want to? She lives in the opposite direction of your house."

"I was looking forward to seeing her today. I got her something, so I guess I could give it to her if I drop off her drink."

Yoongi made a suspicious face. Why was his best friend acting so weird all of a sudden? He was too lazy to ask for an explanation, so he just shrugged his shoulders and started making the drink.

Jimin received the drink from Yoongi and bid him a farewell as he headed to Park's neighborhood.

Earlier, Jimin told Yoongi to text Park that he was going to drop off the drink. Jimin wanted to make it a surprise that he was going to be the one to stop by, since Park would be expecting Yoongi to come. Park told Yoongi that she would be keeping the door unlocked, so he better run to her house.

Jimin opened the door to the San residence and tiptoed up the stairs. He went into the room he assumed belonged to Park and saw her lying in her bed, sleeping.

"Cute," Jimin thought.

"Hey wake upppp," He sang, kneeling next to her bed.

Hearing the voice that she knew for a fact didn't belong to Yoongi, Park shot up from her sleep and slapped the head next to her.

"OW!" Jimin yelped and rubbed his cheek.

"Omo. Jimin, what are you doing here?" At the sight of the boy, Park was flustered and covered her face with her blankets. She obviously looked ill and did not want Jimin to see her that way.

"I wanted to surprise you." The young male went back to his smiling face and brought out the drink that he was hiding behind his back. "So you like kumquat now?"

Park blushed while taking the drink, "I only wanted to try it because you like it so much."

Jimin felt flattered by this statement and almost forgot that he brought something else for Park. "Ah that's right. I bought you this on my way to the boba shop."

Park's eyes brightened at the sight. It was her favorite candy after all. "Why did you get me this?"

"Just cause I was thinking of you."

Park smiled and opened up one of the wrappers, handing a candy to Jimin as well. "Thank you."

"So how are you feeling?" He places the back of his hand to Park's forehead and then to her neck. She stopped chewing her taffy and froze. "You're really hot."

It was only after his touch that she started burning up.

"A-ah no, I just have a cold. I'm fine really."

"That's good to hear," Jimin grinned and kept his hand at the back of Park's neck. He didn't know how nervous he was making her feel right now. "Because I was hoping that tomorrow we can go out and do something."

Park took note of Jimin's sudden shy demeanor. "Yeah, I'd like to.."

"Great. I can come by here around 7 and we can go?"

"Oh no, I live really far, I can just meet you half way in the boba shop."

"It's fine. I don't mind coming here. Well then, I have to head home. Feel better."

Jimin stood up, but before he could leave, Park instinctually grabbed his hand, "Wait."

Jimin turned around, looking down at their hands. "What's wrong? Do you need something?"

The truth was, Park didn't need anything in particular. She just enjoyed having Jimin around. Realizing how ridiculous she was being, Park let go of his hand, "Uh no...it's nothing. I'll see you tomorrow."

Jimin is starting to think of Park as a really good friend. Or maybe even more than a friend....lol we'll see :)))

But as stated before, Park is already starting to have blossoming feelings for Jimin

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