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[San Park]

While Jimin went to go to the bathroom, the nurse came out and told me that I can go in to see Seulgi again. I was planning to wait for Jimin because I wasn't sure what to say to Seulgi if it were just us, but then, I heard her calling me from inside her room.

"Park? Is Park out there?"

I nodded my head but then mentally hit myself because she wasn't able to see. "Um yes, I'm coming in."

"Sit down, I want to get to know you." Her voice was so sweet and she even giggled a bit at the end of her sentence. She felt for the chair in front of her and patted it. "Wow I can't believe I'm finally meeting you."

"Oh um mhm. Me too. Jimin always showed me pictures of you and told stories."

"Ugh he did?" She pouted, looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry that's so awk."

"No it's fine, really."

Seulgi sighed and her happy face disappeared, "Park, do you feel weird around me?"


"I can sense in your voice that you're lying."

Damn. She's good.

"Don't feel awkward and don't think of me as Jimin's ex-girlfriend. Just think of me as his friend. It must have been hard for him to deal with this. I knew that he would always lie to his friends and family whenever he came to visit me. They just wanted what was best for him and to move on after our break up. I also told him that he needed to move on...but still, I didn't want to be forgotten. That's why I still let him visit me."

"A-are you really ok with me going out with him?" My voice cracked a bit because I was feeling so nervous just being here.

"Well you love him, right?"

I nodded. Ugh I need to stop doing that around Seulgi. "Yes, I do."

"Well then of course I'm ok with it. I just wanted him to be able to love again. He's such a sweet boy and I would have hated it if he was alone."

I was about to praise Seulgi for being the most precious angelic goddess to ever walk the earth, but then we were interrupted.

"Hey I'm back, what did I miss?" Jimin had come back from the restroom and closed the door behind him.

"I was just speaking with Park. But now that we're all here, let's go out to the garden." Seulgi stood up and held out her hands. I was assuming that she wanted help walking, so I grabbed one hand and Jimin grabbed the other.

"I think we can ask the nurses to bring us tea...oh oops, I don't want to be standing in the middle of the couple." Seulgi let out a cute laugh and took one step behind us as she brought Jimin's hand to mine. "Aw I wish I could see how cute you two are."

I smiled while firmly holding Jimin's hand. Seulgi is such a good friend and caring person, but I just felt so bad after hearing her story.


Jimin and I both turned around when we heard someone bump into Seulgi.

"I'm so sorry." The boy said.

Seulgi gasped, "Oh, it's Jihun!" She must have recognized him by his voice.

"Ahh Seulgi, sorry. I'm always bumping into you..." Jihun grabbed her hands in apology.

"No it's fine. Oh, my friends came to visit me, this is Park and Jimin."

We shook hands with Seulgi's friend, who was also vision impaired, and she told us that they met a few months ago when he first came to the care home.

"It was nice meeting you, sorry I have to go to my appointment, but maybe the next time you visit, we can all hang out. I'll catch you later (a/n* omf i almost wrote 'i'll see u later' HAHA) ." He patted Seulgi's shoulder and as he left, I noticed how flustered she was looking.

Jimin waited until Jihun completely disappeared around the corner and crossed his arms, giving Seulgi a smug smile. "Do you have a thing for him?" He asked.

Seulgi bit her lip and shook her head, "Noo I barely know him."

"You should ask him out sometime." Jimin suggested.

Seulgi brushed his comment off with a laugh and told Jimin to walk ahead of us. She linked arms with me and said in a low voice, "Is Jihun cute? Not like I care for his looks lol, but I want your opinion."

"Yeah I think he's cute."


how should I even end this book? I don't even know

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