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[3rd Person]

"Dude what am I going to do?? That fucking psycho kissed me! She kissed me!!!" Jimin screamed as he vented to his friend about what happened.

"Can you shut up a little? There's still customers here," Yoongi looked over at the people seated by the window and gave them a polite smile.

"Ughhhh." Jimin groaned, taking a few sips of his mocha milk tea. "But now I feel terrible because I kissed another girl."

"You didn't kiss Makoto. She kissed you. And she took you by surprise. I'm sure Park will understand."

Jimin touched his palm to his forehead, feeling very irritated, "But I really don't want to worry her. I think Park has already forgotten about Makoto by now and I don't want to freak her out by mentioning her name. Remember last time? Park kept having nightmares because of that girl."

"Sorry your love life is complicated, buddy. This is why I don't have a girlfriend."

"What?" Jimin questioned. "Yes you do. Hayun."

Yoongi was wiping down the counter when he suddenly stopped to think. "Huh, you're right. I haven't seen her in a while, I must have forgot."

Jimin rolled his eyes and clapped sarcastically. "Best boyfriend award goes to Min Yoongi."

"Alright," Jimin continued. "I still don't know what to do, and there's only one person left to ask advice from."


"You don't know 'em. See you later--and you should probably contact Hayun soon???"

Taking Jimin's suggestion, Yoongi called up his girlfriend, who didn't pick up on the first try. Or the second. Or the third.

She didn't even reply to his many text messages. It wasn't until the sixteenth text that Hayun responded.

Hayun: go away

Yoongi widened his eyes in confusion and quickly texted back a '??????'

He was worried about it for a bit, but then Park walked into the shop and her appearance distracted him.

"Ew. Why does your face look like that?" Yoongi smirked.

"I am so angry!! I lost my wallet at school with all my money and shit so instead of taking the bus, I walked all the way here and my thirst level is like so high right now."

"Hmph. Well it seems like all of us are having bad days today." Yoongi accidentally said aloud.

"You're having a bad day?"

"Yeah, I think my girlfriend is mad at me."

"Hm, well you said 'all of us.' So who's 'all of us? '"

"Uhhhhhhhhh. No it's just an expression." Yoongi forced a smile. "No one else is having a bad day today...Here let me make you a free drink."

Yoongi went to the back to grab some ingredients while Park sat at a table and played with the napkins.

"Oh, Park! Hi!"

The girl looked up from the table and saw one the of the male workers waving at her. She waved back, but was slightly embarrassed because she forgot the boy's name.

"Hi sorry...what was your name again?"

"Jungkook" The boy answered.

Park nodded. She hasn't seen Jungkook since the time he tried asking her out that one day.

"A-are you here by yourself today?"

Park smiled sympathetically. The boy must still have a little crush on her. "Well I came here alone...but I was just waiting for my boyfriend to come by. He's usually here by now."

"Oh I see." Jungkook pouted. "I'm guessing you're Jimin's girlfriend? Well I already saw him earlier today. He left just a few minutes before you came in."

"He did?" Park sighed, looking at her phone. "I guess that's why he hasn't responded?"

"Um but just to let you know, I kind of overhead a conversation he was having with Yoongi and it was kind of...."

Park tilted her head curiously and stood up. "Kind of what?"

"I heard Jimin say that he kissed another girl."

Park clenched her fists and didn't even care that there were other people in the shop. "HE WHAT?!?!"

"Yeah, I didn't hear the entire conversation except for the part about Jimin kissing another girl."

"Ugh I will kill him--Well first, I will ask him politely about the situation and not overreact because the key to a successful relationship is communication. But if he really did kiss another girl, then I will kill him." Park picked up her bag and was about to stomp her way to the exit when Jungkook grabbed her wrist.

"Oh hold on. Do you want to go out with me?"

Park scoffed and pulled her hand back. "Shut the fuck up, Jungkook."


What is the best/ worst anime you've ever watched?

My best is Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun and the worst is Wolf Girl >:(((( the boy pissed me off so much haha

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