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[San Park]

How could he tell me that he likes me and then disappear for the next two days for an overnight school trip.

Even Yoongi wasn't here for me to talk to since he went on the trip too. So now I was in the boba shop with Yoongi's replacement, some kid named Jungkook.

He was really cute and if I didn't already like Jimin, I so would have tried to ask for his number.

"So do you come here a lot?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts and find that I was mindlessly chewing on my straw. "I'm sorry. What?"

"I asked if you come here often. I noticed a picture on the wall that says 'most valued customer' and I recognized you from there."

Oh right. That picture. The owner of the store has met me a couple of times and for fun, he wanted to put up a photo of me since he says I generate most of their profit.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you Yoongi's girlfriend?" Jungkook asked me.

I made an 'ugh' sound before dryly laughing, "No I'm not. What makes you think that?"

"Well my shift usually starts around 5pm and that's when I see you leaving the shop, saying bye to him."

"Ha, no. We're just friends."

Jungkook smiled. And it was a very nice smile. "Oh, well I don't want to sound weird, but while I was making our drink I was thinking of ways to approach you and I was wondering if you were busy later?"

I puffed my cheeks slightly as I realized that he was probably asking me out on a date. "I'm sorry, Jungkook. But right now I'm sort of...seeing someone?"

Wait. Did I really say that? I mean, Jimin and I aren't even official yet. In fact, when he confessed to me, I didn't really give him an answer because I was too much in shock.


I was lying on my bed, watching Americans eat Korean food for the first time when I see on the top of my screen that I got a text from Jimin.

"Ow! Fuck!" My phone fell on my face and my forehead paused the video. I quickly picked it back up and read Jimin's text:

Hey I haven't had an service or wifi on this trip :/ but I get back tomorrow. Do you want to do something together? 🐣

"Yes!" I shouted, but thankfully I was in the privacy of my own room and didn't actually yell that to Jimin's face. I replied back with 'sure :)' and he texted quickly saying what time he'd come to my house and that he missed hanging out with me.

Ugh Park Jimin. You make my heart melt.


The next day it was raining,storming practically and I was afraid that it was going to ruin my plans today with Jimin.

I told myself that the rain will lighten up in a few hours and that it would be gone by the time Jimin comes. But I was wrong. It was still storming even at 6pm.

I received a text from Jimin and jumped onto the couch where my phone was.

Park! I have some bad news. I won't be able to see you today bc the weather 😕 but we can reschedule. Tomorrow, maybe?

I sighed to myself as I read his text. I got all dressed up and even put effort into my makeup today because I was going to finally respond to Jimin's confession.

But now it was all a waste and I might as well go upstairs and change back into pjs.

But then the doorbell rang. I was expecting my new milk carton socks to come in the mail, so hopefully that's the mailman.

"Jimin!" I almost exclaimed once I opened the door. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the warmth of my house. "Did you walk all the way here?"

"Maybe." He answered. He was soaking wet from top to bottom. His jeans were wet, his shoes, hair, and crew neck sweater. "I didn't know it was gonna rain today."

"Here take that off. You need to get out of those clothes."

Jimin smirked in my direction and we both laughed. Jimin proceeded to take off his jacket and I ran to turn on our electric fireplace. I went to my room to get my big PE sweats and a tourist shirt I got from Bali.

I came back downstairs to find Jimin shivering by the fire. "You can change in the bathroom and just hang your clothes there."

"Thanks." He hurried off into the bathroom and in the meantime, I made some hot coco. I went back upstairs to grab the hair dryer and then knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hey, can I come in?" I waited for a few seconds and then he opened the door. I smiled and plugged in the hairdryer.

I ran my hands through his hair as I helped dry his hair which was dripping wet. He was watching me through the mirror, and I started to move my hand slowly, feeling a little awkward.

He turned to face me and when our eyes met, I turned off the dryer and stepped out, "I made hot chocolate."

We drank our coco by the fire and I gave a blanket to Jimin, who was still really cold.

"So how was your field trip?"

"Mm. It was alright. A bunch of hiking and no wifi. We had to make our own food and build our own tents. I guess you can say I'm glad it's over."

"I'm glad you and Yoongi are back. It was boring in the boba shop. I had to talk to Yoongi's replacement instead."

Jimin smiled and looked out the window. It was already dark and the rain was hitting the glass very hard. I think I even heard some thunder. "The rain's really bad tonight."

And it was right at that moment when we heard a bunch of thunder and lightening, followed by the lights going out.

"Ah...I think I have candles in the cabinet. Just stay here." I told Jimin as I got up. I felt my way to the kitchen and when I finally got to the cabinet, I felt around for the candles and the matches that should be right next to it.

When I turned around, I bumped into something. "Oomph."

"Oh sorry." Jimin said, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"I told you to just wait in the living room."

Even though I couldn't see him, I'm sure he shrugged. I grabbed onto the table behind me as I lit up the candle. We used it to guide us back to the living room and we sat down on the floor by the couch.

"Are you cold?"

I nodded my head and Jimin placed half of the blanket around my shoulders. We huddled fairly close to each other to be able to share it.

"So Park," Jimin started, "while I was on the trip, I was thinking...I wanted to come here with the mindset that I would give you time to think about my confession. But I realized that I'm not very patient...and I want to know if you feel the same way."

I held my breath as I processed his words. Without thinking, I leaned towards him and quickly pecked his lips before I pulled away.

Jimin stared at me, blinking his eyes rapidly. "D-does that mean 'yes?'"

"Yes." I answered softly.

Jimin grinned and I felt my heart race. He reached down and held the candle. He smirked at me one more time before blowing it out, leaving us in complete darkness.

"Jimin why did you d--"

And the I felt his lips on mine again.

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