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[Park Jimin]

"Even though I want to throw up sometimes, I'm kind of happy for you and Park." Yoongi said as we placed our things in our lockers.

"Really? And why is that."

"Because," He shrugged. "You're getting out there and moving on..."

I rolled my eyes and didn't respond. I chucked my book back over my shoulder and headed towards the schools main exit.

"Hey man, sorry. But why do you get so mad every time I say you've moved on?"

"I don't know, it's just not something someone can easily get over and when all your friends and family are constantly on your back, telling you to forget the first girl you've ever loved, it can get pretty damn annoying."

I heard Yoongi's steps come after me and he placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm really sorry about what happened, Jimin. But you know, it's been a looooong time since you've really been happy, so now that I see you like this again with Park, it's nice."

"Yeah I get it," I breathed out, calming myself down before patting my friend on the back. "I'm gonna head home today. Have fun at work."

[San Park]

"Where's my lovely boyfriend?" I waltzed through the boba shop, oozing sarcasm.

"Oh god, you two seriously make me sick." Yoongi faked a gag while leaning against the counter. "Anyway, he went home right after school."

"Huh? But we planned to get hot pot together. He bailed yesterday so we were gonna go today."

"Oh...well, our teacher did give Jimin a warning today about not doing any of the assigned homework for a week, so he's probably tryna catch up on everything right now."

"Ahhh, he's such an idiot. Well, what about you? Wanna get hot pot with me after work?"


When Yoongi was done with his shift, we went to the restaurant near my house and made our own soups. I sent a picture to Jimin of us having fun with our noodles while he was at home studying.

"He's not replying. He's probably jealous."

When we were almost done with our meal, I texted Jimin again to see if he wanted me to bring him some take out. Usually he replies within three seconds, but he still hasn't even replied to my picture message.

"Maybe his mom took away his phone after finding out that he's almost failing." Yoongi laughed as his friend's possible misfortune.

I sighed, "I guess. I'll just talk to him tomorrow."


The next day I got a text from Yoongi while there was still five minutes left of my class.

Y: jimin's not here today. jst letting you know to save you time and not come to the boba shop. since that's the only reason u cum nowadays

I snuck my phone under my desk and replied back.

P: come****
but whys he not at school?

Y: ???

P: ur his friend. shouldn't u know?

Y: ur his girlfriend

P:  ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ
whats his address


After school, I took the bus to Jimin's house. I mean, I could have walked there, but I was too fucking lazy.

I bought him a ramen bowl before coming though so that I didn't come empty handed. Once I was in front of his house, I rang the door bell. I heard foot steps approaching, so I took a step back.

"Hello, are you selling girl scout cookies?" A woman, whom I'm assuming is Jimin's mom asked.

I looked down at my uniform and politely shook my head, "No, I'm um Jimin's friend. May I see him?"

"Oh, he's not home right now. He's visiting his grandparents for a few days. He won't be back until the weekend."

"Oh." I found my face unconsciously making a face as my lip jutted out. "Well ok, then. I brought this over for him." I handed Mrs. Park the ramen bowl and said goodbye before leaving.

As I walked home, I muttered under my breath as I typed a message to Jimin.

Park fucking jimIN you could have told me you were going to visit your grandparents this WHOLE WEEK! instead of me thinking that you were sick or dead or whatever bc I went ALL the way to your house and brought you ramen but then instead I gave it to ur mom ((who is a milf btw))  instead.

anyway ihy ily

wait do u even have service wherever your grandparents are?

My texts were loading but all of a sudden I get that red exclamation point on the side of the message and it says 'not delivered.'


I saw a pic of jimin from 2011 with his girlfriend and I lol

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