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[San Park]

I went to the boba stop today, but Yoongi was sick so someone else made my drink. He doesn't make it as good as Yoongi does though. After a few minutes of just enjoying my alone time with my boba, Jimin came in and sat with me.

"Hey, Yoongi's not here today, you know that?" I informed.

"Yeah he caught the flu and he didn't even show up at school." Jimin casually reached for my drink and took a sip from it. "Ohh is this Matcha and Caramel?"


"Cool. Seulgi used to always get that flavor too. Wanna know a story? I first met her in the last year of middle school. We were partners for a project and she suggested that we work after school in a boba shop. I've never had boba before so she said she would order for me. And then she ordered the kumquat one with boba."

"Ohh that's why you like it so much."

"Yeah, because she recommended it. She said it was refreshing, but for herself she got the matcha and caramel."

I sat there listening to Jimin talk more about Seulgi. Really, the only time I see him act this bright is when he talks about her. It was nice though, I guess he wasn't a complete douchebag like the first time I met him.

It was funny that he shared his love stories with me. About how he was too nervous to be around her so he would tell Yoongi to deliver messages for him. And there was even one time when the three of them all planned to hang out but then Yoongi bailed, making it just Seulgi and Jimin.

He said that was one of the best days ever though, even if it was a little awkward. Through all of his stories, I've learned that Jimin is such a caring guy. He even got suspended for a week because he got into a fight with someone that was bullying Seulgi. He kept calling her "my Seulgi" and my heart fluttered every time he said that because it was so adorable.

The last story he had was on her 17th birthday, he wanted to do something really spontaneous and he actually took her on a hot air balloon ride. He said she always wanted to fly and see what the country looks like from the sky.

I really enjoyed all of the stories that he told me and couldn't help but think it would be really amazing to have a guy like that too.

"So what about you? Have you been thirsting over guys lately?" He asked me out of the blue.

"Huh? Me? Well uh...not really?"

I don't know if it was because of the lack of cute guys that I've seen lately, or the fact that the only guy I've been talking to recently was Jimin, but I would have never known that Jimin was so close to my ideal type if I haven't heard all these stories from him.

I'm not fully admitting my feelings or anything because it's JIMIN for fuck's sakes.

But...after listening to how he talks about Seulgi and how good of a boyfriend he was to her...I couldn't help but swoon.

He's perfect.

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