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"No. Actually Park, this is where my ex-girlfriend lives. I wanted you two to meet each other."

He took me all this way to meet his ex-girlfriend? He wants his ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend to meet? This isn't normal, right?

"Jimin, why would you want me to meet her? Isn't that kind of weird?"

He sighed and gripped the straps of his backpack. "I'm sorry I lied to you, Park. Last week, I didn't visit my grandparents. I was visiting Seulgi..."

"W-what? Why would you lie then?"

"Because I didn't want Yoongi or my parents to find out where I really went. Remember I told you how they don't want me to think about Seulgi anymore? They wouldn't have let me go if they knew I was going to see her."

I pursed my lips and let go of Jimin's hand which was holding mine for...consoling? I guess? "If you go through all of this work to visit her, does that mean you still have feelings for her?"

"No, Park, you're my girlfriend. I still like Seulgi, and I still care for her, but as a friend."

I find that hard to believe. I mean, he was so in love with her before, and he still does all of this and goes behind people's back just to see her.

"Jimin...I don't know..."

"Please." He held both of my hands. "This is very important to me."

I was still so confused with what was going on, but...I trust Jimin. I took a deep breath and slowly nodded. "Ok. I'll meet her."

"Thank you." He smiled and kissed my forehead. He continued to hold my hand as we walked into the building. Seulgi must be really rich because her house is so big. Damn, I wish I was rich too.

We walked into the house and were greeted by a few men and women in black and white uniforms; I assumed they were Seulgi's maids and butlers.

"This is her bedroom. I told her we were coming." Jimin knocked on a door and my hands got sweaty from the anticipation. I couldn't believe that I was actually going to meet the ex-girlfriend whom he fonds over so much about. I recall him telling me that he would never stop loving her and she would never stop loving him even if they weren't together.

"Come in." Seulgi said from inside.

Jimin opened the door and I slowly followed after him. Seulgi was sitting in a chair with her back faced towards us as she was staring outside the window. "Jimin, is it you?"

"Yes it is." His voiced sounded lighter and his eyes beamed.

"Thanks for visiting me again." She stood up from her chair and made her way towards Jimin. I've only seen her through pictures, but she's more beautiful in real life. She smiled as placed her hands on his shoulders and gave him a tight hug.

It was kind of awkward because she didn't acknowledge that I was in the room.

When they separated from their hug, she cupped his face and patted his cheeks. Her thumb felt the bottom of his lip and I was feeling overboard on the awkwardness.

"C'mon Seugli, you do that every time I visit you." Jimin held her wrists gently and laughed.

"Sorry. I just like it when you visit."

"Seulgi, I've brought Park with me."

"Oh! Where is she?" Seulgi looked around the room eagerly but Jimin held her again so she stood still.

"Seulgi, she's standing right here." Jimin placed Seulgi right in front of me and she slowly reached out to touch my shoulders.

"Hi Park? I'm Seulgi." She smiled widely and started to pet my hair and touch my face. I mean, a handshake would be sufficient enough...

"Hi um...it's nice to meet you." I grabbed her hand which was stroking my cheek and shook it.

She nodded and once we finished our handshake, she resumed touching my face.

"Jimin???" I whispered, looking towards his direction.

"Aha. Don't feel weird, Park. She's just wants to know how your face looks like."

"What my face looks like? Um...but my face is right here so..." I held Seulgi's wrists and distanced myself from her.

She frowned and crossed her arms, "Jimin. Did you not tell her anything about me??"

"I've told her a lot about you." He defended.

"Well I don't think you've told her everything."

"Oh..."Jimin blinked. "Um Park, the reason why Seulgi had to touch your face is because she can't see."

I snapped my head back towards Seugli to look at her face. It didn't look like there was anything wrong with her eyes. I had no idea, she appeared as if she had her sight. At first I thought Jimin was just joking.  

"Hello, sorry to bother your visit, but it's time for Seulgi's treatment." A maid said, coming into the room.

Jimin and I had to step out of the room while the maid was going to give Seulgi some medications for her eyes. In that time, I expected Jimin to explain everything to me.

"So is she really blind?" I asked.

He nodded solemnly.

"Was she born that way?"

"No," He shook is head. "But her family has a history of being visually impaired. It just happened to her later in life. When she was still in school, she was slowly losing her eye sight."

"So why did she break up with you?"

"Ah, she said she didn't want to be a burden. She didn't want to hold me back. Seulgi thought that if I had a blind girlfriend, it would just make my life difficult and she didn't want me to always be worrying about her or having to look after her. I guess she wanted me to have a 'normal' relationship and a 'normal' girlfriend."

"But other than not being able to see, she's perfectly normal."

"Well yeah, that's what I've been telling her, but she insisted to break up. Her family also moved her to this special care home because she needed constant supervision and medical attention. The woman who just went into her room is one of the nurses in this place."

When I didn't say anything, Jimin spoke up again. "I came to see her all last week because she had surgery and she wanted support. Her parents are busy so they don't always come to visit."

"I see."

"You know, in the past she would always ask me if I've found a new girlfriend every time I come by. Even before you and I started going out, I've told her a lot about you. I've also told her that I've found someone that I love."

I puffed my cheeks and glanced over at Jimin. He was smiling, all proud for being extra cheesy today.



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