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[Park Jimin]

"Thank you for taking me to meet Seulgi. I thought it was a very heartwarming thing to do." Park said to me as we walked on the pavement. We took a train back home this morning, and once we arrived, Park announced she was thirsty.

"Thank you for going along with it." I replied, taking hold of her hand. "It's just that, every time I visit her, I couldn't stop talking about you and she finally expressed how much she wanted to meet you."

"Well, when you visit her again, I'll come along too. I also want to know how she and Jihun will be doing the next time we meet." Park swung my arm and the fact that she and Seulgi liked each other so much made me really happy.

"There you guys are. Where have you been? It's been so boring at the shop." Yoongi sighed in relief when he saw Park and I walk through the door of the boba shop.

"You actually missed us?" Park asked. "I thought you hated seeing us together."

"That was before I realized how bored it is was gonna be without anyone to talk to here."

"Well I just took Park out for a weekend trip." I answered, walking around the counter and reaching into the pastry glass to grab myself a blueberry muffin.

"You two took a trip together? By yourselves? Hmmmm." Yoongi smirked, sending suggestive winks over at us.

"Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself Min Yoongi." Park glared with crossed arms.


"Alright class, because this science project is too much to work on individually, I will let you work with a partner."

The class cheered and students looked around for their friends to pair up with, but the chatter was soon disrupted once the teacher made his dreaded follow up announcement. "But I will be assigning your partners."

The teacher read off his list of partners, and Jimin found it weird that his name has not been called out yet. By now, all of the super smart students have already been paired up.

Oh well, Jimin thought, as long as he didn't end up with--

"Next group, Jimin and Makoto."

Jimin's eyes widened so much, they were about to fall out of his head.

He hastily raised his hand. There were two students in class who shared the name with him, so maybe he would be lucky and not be the Jimin that had to partner with the psycho Makoto.

"Sir, which Jimin were you referring to?"

"Park Jimin." The teacher answered.

Jimin felt a lump form in his throat when he slowly turned around and met gazes with his former stalker.

Makoto wore a smile as she got up from her seat and walked up to Jimin. "Hello. It looks like we'll be together."

Jimin felt goosebumps on his arms and his hair stand up on the back of his neck when he heard her say that.

"For the project, that is." Makoto added.

"Mhm..." Jimin smiled weakly. Makoto collected the guidelines from the teacher and pulled up a chair next to Jimin's desk.

The project had to do with the heart and the first step was recording each other's heartbeat after doing different activities.

"First let's record how many beats per minute while you're relaxed." Makoto said and immediately placed her two fingers on the side of Jimin's neck.

He instantly tensed up and beads of sweat started to form on his forehead. He felt really nervous around her because he knew what Makoto was capable of when angry. He couldn't forget how the crazy girl threatened Park.

"Hm the average beat per minute while at rest is 40, but yours is 65."

"Yeah." Jimin coughed. "Strange. Well, it's your turn."

Makoto excitedly grabbed the boy's wrist and held his hand up to her neck.

With a grimace, he pulled out his phone to open the stopwatch app. Of course on his screen was a picture of him and Park, with the girl kissing his cheek.

Suddenly, Jimin felt the grip on his wrist tighten. When he looked up, he saw Makoto squeezing the life out of him. "M-Makoto, can you let go of my wrist??"

The girl didn't hear what Jimin had said, her focus was on his phone screen and thinking of ways to torture the girl who stole her precious Jimin from her. "Huh? Oh sorry, Jimin. Here, let me kiss it to make it better."

She held his wrist near her lips, but before she could kiss it, he pulled away and kept it behind his back.

"Excuse me." Jimin abruptly stood up, "I have to use the restroom."

The boy went straight to the bathroom sink and used soap and water to wash his wrist and neck. After Makoto touched him, soap and water still felt like it wasn't enough.

Eventually, Jimin returned to class. His eyes were on the floor, too busy looking at the pattern of the tiles, that he didn't notice Makoto was waiting outside of class for him.

"Makoto, what are you doing out here?"

"So you're still with that girl ?" Makoto said venomously.

"That girl is Park. And yes. Of course I'm still with her." Jimin sighed. It was time for him to stand his ground and tell Makoto once and for all that he is not and will never be interested in her.

"Makoto, you have to understand--" But his statement was cut off when the girl startled him by pressing her lips to his.


I felt so bad that I haven't been updating this book, but I just ran out of ideas, BUT I SO FEEL HOW MUCH IT HURTS TO READ A BOOK THAT ISNT COMPLETE

so here I am, writing again

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