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[San Park]

"So have you told Namjoon about me?"

"I don't even get a simple 'hi' first before you start thirsting over my friend?" Yoongi whined.

"Oh sorry, HI! and also, make me a honeydew milk tea with boba." Although one of the reasons that I was here was to talk about Namjoon, I still had to get my daily boba fix.

Yoongi sighed as he handed me my change, "Alright, well as I promised, I talked to Namjoon about you."

I squealed and clapped my hands like a dolphin. "YEEEE WHAT DID YOU SAY?"

"I said 'hey remember that weird girl from yesterday who was practically drooling over you?'"

I glared at him, "You didn't actually say that, did you?"

"I did." That fuckface smirked. "And he said 'the girl who had your dick pic?' and I said 'yup' and he said 'what about her?' and I said 'she's into you' and he said 'oh ok.'"

"Wait what?!?!? That's it? You didn't even tell him my name? All he knows me by is 'dick pic girl?'"

"Yeah yeah, but don't worry. He said that he thinks you're weird but he thinks you're cute too and he's coming by today."

"Yes!" I leaned over the counter and slapped Yoongi on his arm. "You're the real mvp. So I guess I'll just pass the time until he comes. How's your girlfriend?"

"Uhhhhh she's....fine." He gave me a smile that was almost as fake as my best friend in middle school.

"What happened?" I asked while sipping on my drink.

"Alright well you know how all this time I was sending my "private" pictures to you instead of her? Well I sent one to her for real last night and now she won't talk to me."

I almost choked on my tapioca from laughing. "wOOOOW. She must either think you're a weirdo or she's disappointed."

"Why would she be disappointed?"

"Because it's so smol." I chuckled as I showed him my lockscreen.

"You said you were going to delete those!"

"I know, but it's too funny. Anyway, is that really all you sent her? A picture with no caption or anything?"

He looked away shyly and lowered his voice, "I kinda asked her to send me a picture too."

I sucked up some tapioca balls with my straw and shot them at his face. One of which directly hit his eye. "Well that's why she's ignoring you. First you scare her by sending a picture of that caterpillar penis of yours and then you expect her to send a picture of herself."

"But she's my girlfriend."

"You're an idiot."  Seriously. I always thought that Yoongi would be alone forever because the only girl he talks to is me. When I first met him, he was barely able to talk to female customers but then I came by so often that he kind of just got used to me. I was very surprised when I found out that he landed himself a girlfriend.

"Hey guys." The bells chimed as the door to the shop opened. I spun around immediately and saw Namjoon walking in.

I turned around quickly to face Yoongi again while combing my fingers through my hair, "Do I look good?"


"Asshole." I finished up my drink and shot it into the garbage can.

From behind I could sense Namjoon was standing right there. I turned around again and gave him a friendly smile plus a hair flip. From the side I could hear Yoongi pretending to vomit.

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