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[Park Jimin]

And like I said, I went to the only person left I could trust to get advice from. Besides Park of course.

"So you remember how I told you about Makoto, right? The girl who is obsessed with me and would torture Park if she got the chance?"

"Ugh yeah," Seulgi scoffed. "I hate her. What did she do this time?"

"She...She kissed me--OW!" I grabbed the side of my face and my jaw dropped when I stared at Seulgi. "Why did you slap me?!"

"Why did you let that weird girl kiss you?!"

"It's not like I knew she was going to do it and I just let her! She took me by surprise."

"Did you tell Park?"

"No," I sighed. "I can't tell her something like that. First of all, I'm sure she would beat the shit out of me if she knew that another girl kissed me. And secondly, she doesn't have very good experiences when it comes to Makoto. The last time she saw her, she kept getting nightmares."

"You really can't not tell her. It will be better if she hears what happened from you before someone else tells her. That wouldn't be good."

"That's basically what Yoongi told me to do...but I don't trust his advice and things just sound more assuring if it comes from you, so ok I'll go tell Park what happened." Jimin picked up his backpack and was about to leave when Seulgi stopped him.

"Hold on, Jimin." She reached out, trying to feel for him. When Jimin got the message, he sat back down. "I kind of have a problem I want to talk about too."

'That's right.' Jimin thought. Everytime he comes to visit Seulgi, he always tells her about his problems and hardly ever hears about hers. Seulgi always tries to keep her negative stories out of their conversation because she doesn't want to be any more of a downer than she already is. But this time, Jimin wanted her to know that she has his full attention.

"Seulgi, is everything ok?"

The delicate girl smiled sadly and shook her head. "Do you remember Jihun? That boy who also lives here..." At the mention of his name, Jimin noticed her blushing.

"Mhm what about him?"

"Well, he's leaving.He's going to go back home and attend a regular school. He's the only person around here that's my age and when he leaves, I'll be very lonely again."

"Seulgi..." Jimin sympathized and patted her hair.

"So I've been thinking and have been discussing with my parents...I think it's time for me to come back home, too."

"What??" Jimin widened his eyes. "You're coming back?"

"Y-yes. I think so. My parents said if they're busy at work, we can hire a private nurse to take care of me in the house, and they've also been talking with the principal of your school who says that they will be able to make accomodations for me and I will even stay in the class as all the other kids but...I'm scared."

"Why are you scared?"

"Because it's been so long since I've been outside of this place. All I do is get my treatments and a tutor comes in a few hours a day to teach me, but other than that I feel like I've forgotten how to interact with the outside world."

"Don't worry." Jimin held her hand comfortingly. "If you go back to school, of course you'll have me. And you remember Yoongi too, right?"

"Yes but hasn't he been telling you to forget about me? If I show up and you're by my side, he'll know that you've been lying to him this entire time."

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