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[San Park]

"Hey hey hey. Just because we're dating now, doesn't mean you can always drink from my drink." I dragged my boba across the table, away from Jimin and sipped on it.

Jimin gasped, "Was that..."

I raised my eyebrow, "Was that what?"

He pointed at my straw and then to me, "Was that an indirect kiss?"

I rolled my eyes and put my cup down, "Shut up, Jimin. We've already kissed like seven times." 

Jimin pouted his lips, asking for a real kiss, but I just turned away from him, focusing on the cake display at the counter instead.

"Paaaark." He whined. "Give me a kiss."

"I've never seen something so disgusting in my life." Yoongi commented as he cleaned the tables beside us.

"You should go fix your friend. He won't stop acting like this." I said as of Jimin wasn't around.

Jimin huffed. "Yoongi, just go and send another dick pic to your girlfriend and leave us alone."

The screech of chairs scooting was heard behind us and we saw a family getting up to leave, giving Yoongi the eye.

"Well great. Now the customers know." Yoongi mumbled. He picked up the trash they left behind and went to throw things away.

"Tomorrow do you want to go to a new hot pot place near my house?" I asked.

Jimin widened his eyes and dramatically placed his hand over his chest, "Is this..."

"What? What is it now??"

"Is this you...asking me on a date? Wow Park, I never knew you were this forward."

"Jimin shut the fuck up. Fine I'll just invite Yoongi then."

"No I want to get hot pot." Jimin replied quickly. "I'll pick you up."


"Hey Park, I'm really really sorry I can't make it today. Something came up and I just---"

"It's fine Jimin, we can always reschedule." I assured over the phone.

"Aw thanks. I just really wanted to go though because you were the one who was being so forward and begging me to go with you until I agreed--"

"I hate you. I'm breaking up with you."

"I'm just joking, my sweet honey baby macaroon."

I laughed and cringed at the same time. "Good byyyye. I'm breaking up with you now."

"What? You don't like cute nicknames?"

"I'm just joking, my cunt face lima bean."

"I hate lima beans. But anyway, we'll go tomorrow!"

"Alright alright, go and do whatever you have to do now. Bye baby corn."


I'm sry but who actually eats lima beans and likes it? :/

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