7 | Borrowed Voice

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"That's awful" Kaylee scowled at me, "Go change into something nicer," She instructed, shooeing me away with her hands and I huffed,

"Kaylee, you're exaggerating! It's just a tutoring session, not a date, and it's not like I like him. Why are you even here?" I didn't mean the last part, really. But the girl had knocked on my door an hour ago- which was the time I sent Ethan my house location- going straightly to my closet, and started messing all my clothes as she looked for the 'perfect outfit'.

I really didn't know what was wrong with my black leggings, maroon sweater, and my fluffy maroon socks. And looking at the clock, I didn't care if anything's wrong with them, because he was going to be here in any minute.

"Bullshit," she said, "I know you like him, and I know that he's not seeing you like that" she narrowed her eyes at me and I pouted,

"But they're comfy and cute, and I'm at home anyway" I whined.

Kaylee was about to open her mouth to say some kind of retort, but the sound of the shrilling bell cut her off.

Both our eyes widened, and we started scrambling in circles. Kaylee had to leave, and I had to clean my room- or rather, gather my clothes which was laying everywhere.

"I'll take the back door!" Kaylee yelled before I heard her thudding down the stairs in a hurry.

"And take off these damn socks!" I heard her yell.


I quickly stuffed my clothes in my closet hastily and checked if anything was out of place before, scrambling down the stairs and racing to the front door, stopping before opening it to catch my breath, before eventually opening it and smiling at the sight of Ethan in black jeans and a denim shirt that suited him perfectly, lightening his grey eyes to almost a blue color, with black tennis shoes and his hair a little messed up like he had run his fingers through it a couple of times.

And seeing him in something other than hoodies and jackets only increased my nervousness to an overwhelming stage that made my stomach do some funny stuff.

I smiled, motioning for him to come in, and he started shuffling awkwardly to take off his shoes when I stopped him quickly, telling him it was okay, but he took them off anyway, before I noticed that his eyes lingered at my feet, a look of utmost amusement crossing his face as he pressed his lips into a thin line, suppressing a laugh.

And as I followed his gaze to my feet, my eyes met with my fluffy socks and I felt my cheeks burn.

Maybe I should have listened to Kaylee...

Eventually moving to lead him inside with my face still red, I stopped in track and turned to him. "Would you like to sit in the living room or the kitchen, or uh, my room?" I said as I shuffled awkwardly.

He sucked in a breath like he was thinking about it, before raising two fingers, which I assumed was the second option, the kitchen.

I nodded, a little in relief, before leading him to the kitchen and telling him to have a seat while I went upstairs to grab my things.

Two hours later and my brain has reached its capacity and I could feel a headache coming. I was sure Ethan had pretty much made me comprehend a load of information that would make us just have another one or two tutoring session to finish everything.

But come again, Ethan wasn't finished yet. He actually wanted to stuff my brain with more information that I almost laughed at his faith in my comprehension abilities.

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