32 | Say My Name

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My hands move on their own accord and in seconds I'm reaching for Ethan after removing his laptop to the side. My hands slide in his, and I squeeze, my eyes on his grey ones the whole time.

And it's like he understands because he pulls me to him, and I end up in his lap with my legs on either side of him, my arms around his neck as I hug him close to me. His strong arms wound around me tightly, his hands flat on my back, warming me, and my fingers wind up in his hair.

There are no words I can mouth or sign or even say that could describe how I feel, so I only back away to bring his forehead to mine, hoping my eyes will tell him what I want to communicate to him.

I trace his cheeks with my hands, down to his jaw, my eyes trapped into his. And a shiver goes up my spine when I feel his fingers draw little patterns at the small of my back. I tilt my head to plant a kiss on his jaw, before planting another one closer to his ear, and when I finally reach his ear, my lips part, and I close my lips around his earlobe and bite lightly.

I feel his muscles flex as his arms tighten around me reflexively, and a groan leaves his lips. His hand comes up to hold my face, and his eyes tell me a million different things as he brings our lips together. My eyes slip closed and my lips part without thinking, and his hand on my face tilts my head so he could kiss me deeper, and I'm falling all over again.

When we pull back, our breathing is wild and we're gazing at each other with raw emotions in our eyes. I kiss his lips once, before making my way back to his ear, wanting to kiss every part of him that once hurt.

One minute, his hands explore my back as I kiss and bite his ears, and the other, he's pushing me back against his bed and is on top of me, crushing his lips to mine. My arms go around his neck to bring him closer as I tilt my head up to meet his lips. My sides burn where his hands are holding me, and I want to dive deeper into his kiss when he pulls back only to kiss my neck. Pressing burning kisses all over my neck and I suddenly feel like flying and I need something to hold on to, so my fingers curl around fistfuls of his soft brown hair and I pull.

My heart speeds up and I think it's going to rip out of my ribcage as a satisfying moan leaves him, and I'm about to pull again when I stop dead in my tracks upon hearing something I've been dying to hear since the first time I met him.


My heart stops in my chest and I become very still, and all at once, I'm pulling his face up until I'm looking into his eyes.

"What did you just say?" I ask in a whisper, and it's like I don't recognize my voice anymore, for how croaked and hoarse it comes out.

Ethan leans down until his lips brush my ear, his breath warming all over my ear and the side of my neck. And then, he says it again.


My lips move as if to say something, but nothing comes out, and I realize I'm choked up with emotion. Ethan backs away to meet my eyes again, and then he's kissing the wet spots under my eyes and on my cheeks, wiping away the tears I didn't realize had fallen.

All the heat and rush from before disappear, and now when he brushes his lips to mine, it's soft. Slow. As if we have all the time in the world.

 As if we have all the time in the world

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