Chapter 2

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Chapter Two.

Tired Of Her.

Joe's POV

I headed to Football practice as soon as school let out. I usually walk with Beth, but I was too pissed off at her to be around her. I walked into the locker room, being greeted by my friend, Jason.

"Hey man, where's Beth? You usually walk with her down here." He asked, lacing up his cleats.

"Uh, I'm pissed off at her, so I left without her." I muttered.

"Well, damn. What'd she do to piss you off?"

"She knocked the books out of this girl's arms I've grown up with for no damn reason. Apparently, they used to be friends then Beth stabbed her in the back. Either way, I'm not happy with Beth." I sighed.

"You like this girl or something? You ain't one that usually stands up for another girl. You're usually covering Beth's ass." He chuckled.

"I don't know, man. I mean, she's beautiful, but I think I felt bad for her. Beth was just being rude to her. I felt like I needed to help her." I mumbled. I didn't really want to talk about this.

"Whatever, man. Let's get out there." Jason said, standing up and walking out on the field.


We finished up practice. I was sore as hell but it was worth it. I was heading to my truck when a high pitched voice perked up behind me.

"Where the hell have you been today? I've waited for twenty minutes and was almost late for practice!" Beth yelled.

"Well if you hadn't been such a bitch, I wouldn't be so pissed off at you." I mumbled.

"Really, Joe? You're gonna flip out on me because I put her back in her place? She needs to know who was in charge." Beth scoffed. "You think she's hot? You wanna lay her? Huh, Joe? Is that what you want? Some old farm girl that's got dirt all over her every day? Joe, that isn't what you want. You want this." She pushed herself against me.

"Maybe I overreacted. You really shouldn't be that mean to her though, okay? I mean, damn." I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Alright, I'll be nicer. I gotta go." She muttered pulling out of my grip.

"Where?" I asked, grabbing her hand.

She hesitated. "Uh, I'm meeting up with LeAnne. I'll call ya later, k babe?" She kissed my cheek and ran off. I had this strange feeling that who she was going to meet wasn't a girl.


Gabi's POV.

When I got home from school, I couldn't get over how nice Joe has been. I'll never understand why he was with Beth. They're polar opposites. I walked out to the barn to see what my dad was up to.

"Hey, Daddy! Whatcha doing?" I asked, walking up behind him.

"Hey, squirt! How was school?" He asked, wiping the grease from the tractor off his hand.

"It was fine, except Beth was being a bitch. Her boyfriend was nice and helped me pick up the books she knocked out of my hand though." I smiled, thinking about Joe's eyes.

"Well, that was nice! What's his name?"

"Joe. Joe Anoa'i. He's the defensive tackle of the football team."

"Ah, alright! You going to the football game Friday?" He asked, standing up.

"Uh, yeah. If I have all my chores done. Travis was planning on going to see his girlfriend cheer so I'll go with him, I guess." I muttered.

"Well, I need you to go feed the chickens, clean out the horse stalls, and then go wash up for dinner, okay?"

"Yes sir. Love ya, dad!" I kissed his forehead.

"Love you too, shortcake. Now go!"

I ran out to the chicken house and fed all the chickens, cleaned out all the horse stalls, and put fresh hay back in them. I ran to the wash house and took a shower before heading into the house. I skipped dinner and went to my room to finish homework. That night I fell asleep thinking about Joe.


I woke up the next morning bright and early as always. I ran down, fed the chickens, took a shower, got ready and jumped in the truck with Travis. Travis is my eighteen year old brother.

"Morning, squirt. You eat?" Travis asked, holding out a biscuit toward me Mom had made.

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks though. Thanks for the ride too."

"Anytime, sis. You're always ready on time anyways." He chuckled.

"You gotta point. Haha"

"So I heard you were talking to Mr. Defensive Tackle yesterday." He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, after his slutty girlfriend knocked my books outta my hand."

"Now, don't hold back, tell me how you really feel about her."

I punched his arm then straighten back up in my seat. We pulled into the parking lot and I saw my friend, Jenny.

"Hey, can you drop me off here? I wanna talk to Jenny before we go to class."

"Yeah sure." He pulled the truck over and I jumped out.

"Ride home?" I asked.

"Of course. Come meet me right after school."

"Mkay! Love you!"

I ran over and talked to Jenny about a project we had due to see if she took notes. She handed me the notes. I hugged her, turned around and ran right into someone.

"Shit. I'm sorry." He mumbled. I knew that voice.

"Dammit, Joe. Can't you watch where you're going? I'm already a klutz."

"Sorry, babe, wasn't paying attention." He smirked. Babe, huh?

"It's alright, I guess." I smiled.

"Hey, are you coming to the game Friday?" He asked, extending his hand. I grabbed it.

"Yeah, was planning on it. Why?"

"Oh just wondering. Maybe we can meet up after the game or something." He looked at the ground.

"Uh, sure. That is if your girlfriend won't kill me."

"Nah, she's going to a party. We ain't gotta worry about it." He smirked again.

"Uh, okay then. I'll see ya Friday."

He pulled me into a hug.

"See ya then, babe."

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