Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen.

Moving On.

Two weeks later.

Gabi's POV.

It's been two weeks since I met Jaime. We've hung out everyday and have gotten really close.

One night, over three pots of coffee and Shania Twain playing in the background, I lost it and told him everything about Joe. I buried my face in the pillow, expecting him to leave, yet he stayed and held me as I cried. Ever since then, I can't stop thinking about him. We only have one class together, so we meet up every morning and walk together, eat lunch together, then hang out at night. Tina and Destin hit it off well and are basically dating, even though neither one will admit it. Now I'm headed to each lunch with all these weirdos. I walked in, spotting them. I sorta danced my way toward the table.

"Ello, loves." I smiled.

"Hey babe." Jaime said, pecking my cheek. He's been calling me that for the past few days, I just haven't had the guts to ask him why.

"I'm starving. I'll be back." I walked off to the salad bar, making a huge one, grabbing a diet Mountain Dew before paying and heading back to the table.

"Damn, you really are hungry huh?" Tina asked, chuckling.

"Watch it." I growled, pointing my fork at her. We were just talking about random stuff until Jaime spoke up.

"So, there's this bonfire at Darrell McCormick's house this weekend. Y'all wanna come?" He asked.

"I'm in, if you'll go as my date?" Destin asked, looking at Tina.

"I'm in." She smiled.

"Will you be my date?" Jaime asked.

"Of course, but what about Dina?" I asked.

"Oh, I'll stay back and talk to Ben! That way we can talk about 'adult things'." She winked.

"Ew, gross!!" I whined.

"Oh shush!" Dina chuckled. We all continued to eat as we enjoyed small talk. I couldn't help but wonder what's gonna happen this weekend.



"That's it. I'm not going." I grunted, throwing clothes around. We still had an hour left, yet Tina was already done. I, on the other hand, was not.

"Just wear your Florida jersey, these jeans with the holes, and your boots. Dina will do you hair and I'll do your makeup. Now, was that so hard?" Tina said, smiling at me while handing the clothes.

"Why didn't I think of that.." I muttered. I grabbed the clothes Tina had picked out and headed to grab a shower. As soon as I shut the water off, I heard a knock.

"Yeah?" I asked. By the sound of the knock, it was Dina.

"Don't do anything to your hair! Put your robe on and I'll come in and fix it!"

"Okay." I tossed my robe on. "You're clear!" I yelled. Dina walked in and got to work. When she was finished, my hair was in a beautiful twisting French braid.

"Dina, it's gorgeous! Thankyou!" I said, giving her a hug.

"You're welcome, sweetie! Tina said put on your clothes then come out and she'll do your make up." She smiled. I nodded as she walked out. I tossed on my clothes and walked out with my makeup bag.

"Lemme see what you have in here." Tina said, taking the bag and looking inside. "All this will work just fine. Have a seat and let me get to work." I sat down on the bed, letting her work her magic. After about fifteen minutes later, she finished up.

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