Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen.

Gabi's POV.

"Every breath you take. Every move you make. Every bond you break. Every step you take I'll be watching you." I sung out loud. I had my rock playlist jamming as I tried to get through this dreaded cleaning. I have no better way to spend my Friday night. I glanced over at the clock. 6:30. Jaime was supposed to come over at 7, but canceled on me. Things have been starting to get awkward ever since he almost told me he loved me. This is the second time he's canceled on me. I heard the door open, so I jumped and ran to see who is was.

"Hey Tina and Dina!" I said as both my girls walked in. They both paused in front of the door.

"What's going on?" I asked cautiously.

"Well, we know you've been stressed here lately with everything going on, so we decided to surprise you." Tina smiled. She opened up the door and my jaw dropped.

"TRAVIS!" I yelled, running into his open arms and wrapping my legs around him.

"Hey baby sis." He squeezed me tight.

"I missed you so damn much, assface." I buried my face in his shirt as the tears began to flow.

"I missed you too, sweetheart. A helluva lot." He chuckled as he sat me down.

"How did y'all do this?" I asked the girls.

"You kinda left your phone in here the other day so we got his number out of it and set it up. I know, we're awesome." Tina smiled.

"I love you guys!" I wrapped them both up in a hug.

"We love you too, babe." Dina said.

"So how long can you stay?" I asked, turning back toward him.

"Sunday night." He smiled.

"Yay!" I clapped.

"Gabi? I thought Jaime was coming over?" Dina asked.

"He canceled." I sighed.

"Again? That's the second time this week." Tina said, scratching her head.

"Yeah I know. He's just been busy." I wrapped my arms around Travis again.

"Is that the guy you were telling me about?" Travis asked, rubbing my head.

"Yeah, things have been kinda weird the past week or so." I said, running my hands over my face. "Enough of that. Whatcha wanna do, dork?" I asked.

"Die Hard marathon?" He asked, picking up his backpack.

"To the bedroom!" I yelled. "See y'all later." I said to the girls. I started walking toward the bedroom, then I was suddenly thrown over a shoulder.

"Damn it Trav. Why must you always do that?" I whined.

"Because you hate it." He chuckled, sitting me back on my feet at my bedroom door.

I walked in and froze. "Wait! We must have popcorn!" We ran back to the kitchen. I popped the popcorn in the microwave and leaned against the counter.

"So do I get to meet Jaime?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No, that goes past the boundaries we have set." I responded.

"Oh okay. Not too serious huh?" He asked, crossing his massive arms.

"Not really. I'm still attached to Joe and he gets that. I feel like he's doing everything he can to help me get over Joe just so he can have me to himself." I sighed.

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