Chapter 11

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Hey, guys! Sorry for the delay! Here's the newest chapter! If you enjoy my story, you will love @tina619's story, Please Protect Me From Injustice, here on wattpad as well. Please give her story a read for me! Thank you! Okay, here we go!

Chapter Eleven.

Drama, Drama, Drama.

*Two Days Later*

Gabi's POV.

*Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.*

I slapped at the alarm to get that annoying sound to go off. Ugh, I didn't want to get up. My head was killing me and I felt queazy. Prom was amazing, just like I knew it'd be. But now it was over, the weekend had ended, and it was Monday. The only good thing about today is I would see Joe. I finally crawled out of bed, ran downstairs to feed my chickens, grabbed a shower, threw on some clothes, and rushed downstairs. Joe was already waiting. I walked up to the truck, wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I don't feel good and I didn't want to get up this morning." I mumbled, squeezing him tighter.

"It's fine, babe. I don't mind waiting on you, but we need to go before we're late. You can tell me what's wrong in the truck." He said, smiling down at me. He kissed me quickly before helping me in the truck, jumping in and heading to school. I just told him I felt queazy, trying to deny the thoughts I was really having.


Our only class together went by too quick. He walked me to my locker after class, like every day.

"See you at lunch." He kissed my forehead and headed to his next class. I grabbed all my books and headed to Science, one of my least favorite subjects. I slid into my seat just as the bell rung. A few minutes into class, my phone buzzed.

J- "Having fun yet?"

G- "Tons, you?"

J- "Yep. We just have to watch a Shakespeare thing."

G- "Lucky. I'm ready to be out of here."

J- "What's up with you today? I know you're sick, but you seem off."

G- "Just tired, babe. Pay attention. Love you."

J- "Alright, love you too."

I slipped my phone back in my pocket. I wasn't ready to tell Joe what was really up with me. I wasn't sure myself. He'd have to find out later. Class finally ended and I headed to the next one, Etymology. My favorite class to go to. Finally, we headed to lunch. I made it through the crowd, taking my seat next to Joe. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my head.

"Babe, you're hot." He mumbled as he kissed different spots on my forehead.

"You tell me that all the time, Joe." I giggled a little.

"No, babe. I mean like you have a fever hot. Do you feel alright?" He asked.

"I don't feel great, but I'm alright. I'm just really queaz-" I cut myself off and bolted to the bathroom, Joe in tow. I barely made it to the handicap stall before everything came back up. I sank down to the stall floor, feeling dizzy.

"Anyone in here?" I heard Joe shout. When no one responded, I heard footsteps and a soft knock on my stall door.

"Don't come in. I don't want you to see me like this." I uttered before leaning over the toilet again. Of course, he didn't listen.

"Babe, I think you need to go home. You look terrible." He said, pulling my hair back as I leaned over the toilet again.

"Thanks, babe. I had no idea." I rolled my eyes.

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