Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine


*Six Months Later*

"Babe, hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Joe yells up the stairs.

Today is our one year anniversary, so Joe is taking me out. It's been a crazy year, but every second has been worth it. Everything is great. Joe's football career is going amazing. He's only in 11th grade and he's already getting offers from different colleges. I'm so proud of him. I'm still working on the farm, but I want to be a nurse. I'm looking into the University of Florida's nursing program, but I'm not putting anything in stone. I mean, I'm only sixteen. I've got my whole life ahead of me.

"Jesus, I'm coming!" I muttered, walking out of my room. I didn't dress up often, but tonight was special, so I wore a silver and black dress that stopped right above my knees, and a pair of silver sparkly peep toes. I walked down the steps slowly, trying not to fall. I stepped into the living room, and Joe's jaw dropped.

"Babe, you look stunning." He said, wrapping his arms around me.

"You don't look half bad yourself." I smiled, pulling him down to my level. I pressed my lips against his softly. He pulled away first.

"Are you ready now?" He whined, instantly shutting up when my fist connected to his stomach.

"I think I did alright seeing as I never do this, get all girly and stuff."

"You did fine, baby. C'mon let's go"


We got drove to downtown to an Italian resturant right on the strip. It was my favorite place to come when I went out with my family. Joe parked the truck and ran to my side to help me out. I placed a soft kiss on his lips as he slowly sat me down. We walked in hand in hand. We sat down in a dark secluded area and ordered our drinks. Once the waiter left, Joe spoke up.

"Hard to believe its already been a year, isn't it?" He chuckled, taking my hand in his.

"It is. It's been amazing though." I said, smiling up at him.

"It has. I love you, Gabi."

"I love you too, Joe." I leaned up to give him a quick kiss before our waiter walked up. I couldn't help but notice that Joe seemed nervous, which kinda made me nervous. After a couple minutes, he took a deep breath and looked down at me.

"Baby, I've got a question. I know you may not want to do this, hell I'm not sure I want to, but if you want to, I'll do it. I've been trying to build up the courage to ask you. I know you're my girlfriend and I shouldn't be nervous but-" I cut him off.

"Baby, calm down. Just spit it out." I whispered, rubbing his arm.

"Okay. I was wondering, will you go to prom with me?" He sighed heavy. This was a shock. He hadn't said anything about it in the past four months since they started talking about it around school. I just figured he didn't want to go.

"Baby, I'd love to. If you don't wanna go, that's fine but-" he cut me off.

"I want to go with you. I also enjoy seeing you all dolled up. You always look gorgeous, but in a dress showing off those legs, I'm in heaven." He said, rubbing my bare leg with his finger tips.

"I do enjoy seeing you in a suit." I giggled. Before he could respond, the waiter came with our food. We ate in a comfortable silence, he hand grazing across my leg every one in a while. We decided to leave and just go on a drive. When we walked out, it was pouring down rain.

"Did you know it was supposed to rain?" I asked, ducking under the porch.

"Nope, you?"

"Not a clue. Let's skip the drive." I said, thinking of something else.

"I don't wanna take you home yet, though."

"I have idea. We're going to my place, but somewhere no one else goes but me. Let's go." I smiled at him.

"I'll go get the truck." He smiled and ran off into the rain.


We pulled into the back side of the farm. Joe jumped out and opened the gate as I drove through it, closing it and running back to the truck. I went down the old trail til I reached where I wanted to be. The old horse barn. Daddy wanted to burn it down, but I wouldn't let him. I loved this barn. I drove straight in, seeing as the door was removed and place on another barn. It was dry in here, the smell of hay filling my nose as I opened the door of the truck, slidding into Joe's arms. He sat me down carefully, kissing my head. I walked away from him, walking over to the generator switch. I flipped it on and watched as the barn lit up, letting my eyes adjust. I walked over to my stereo and flipped it on to my old Shania Twain cd I'd had in here for years, turning it to my favorite slow song. I slipped off my heels, slowly danced my way over to Joe, singing along to the song.

"This could be it. I think I'm in love. It's love this time. It's just seems too fit, I think I'm in love." I wrapped my arms around his waist, slowly rocking back and forth to the rhythm. His arms wrapped around me, cradling me tight to him.

"When you kiss me, I know you miss me. And when you're with me, the world just fades away. The way you hold me, the way you show me that you adore me, oh when you kiss me." I sang into him. I can say I've never felt this way about anyone but Joe. As the song finished, we stayed in the embrace as the next song played. I let him go slowly, looking into his eyes. God, I could get lost in them.

"I love it when you sing to me." He whispered, lifting me up into his arms. He pressed his lips against mine, not hard, but ever so softly. I gave into his embrace, letting his tongue dominate my mouth. He pulled away slowly, sitting me back down on my feet.

"I guess I better get you home before your brother kills me." He chuckled. I turned the generator off, slipped my shoes back on and we both hopped back in the truck and headed to the house. He walked me to the front door.

"Can I come over tomorrow?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Yup. Bring something to swim in. Mkay?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Okay. Good night, Joe." I gave him another tight hug, inhaling his scent.

"Good night, baby. I love you." He whispered, kissing my temple.

"I love you too, Joe." He pressed his lips against mine again. He pulled away and took a deep breath. With one last hug, he was gone. I headed inside, ready to go to bed. Of course, my nosey brother wasn't gonna let that happen.

"Hey, baby sis." His voiced piped up.

"Hey, Trav. How was your date with Alyssa?" I asked, slipping my heels back off and sitting on the couch.

"It was good. How was your date?"

He asked, plopping down on the couch beside me.

"Great. He asked me to prom." I replied, smiling like an idiot.

"That's awesome, sis. Welp, I'll let you go to sleep. Love ya, kiddo." He softly kissed my head before standing up and heading upstairs. I followed shortly afterwards. I changed into my pajamas and crawled in bed. I checked my phone one last time, seeing a text from Joe.

J-"Hey, baby. I just wanted to let you know I got home safe. I had an amazing time tonight with you, even if we got rained on. I can't wait to take you dress shopping. Sweet dreams, princess. I love you<3"

G-"I did too. I can't wait either. I love you more, baby. Sleep tight<3"

With that, I plugged my phone up and drifted off to sleep.

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