Chapter 4

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Chapter Four.

I Want You.

I couldn't sleep all night from thinking of Joe. He kissed me. Why me, though? He could have any girl he wanted, yet he chose me. I remember thinking he was cute in Middle School, but I never talked to him. He'd always throw popcorn at me. I guess that was his way of flirting back then. Either way, I'd never thought I'd end up falling for him.

It was 6:20 am on Saturday. I got up, threw on my work clothes, and headed outside to get to work. I cleaned stalls, fed chickens, moved hay, and moved the baby calves. I found my dad to tell him I was done

"Daddy, I'm done with chores. Can I target practice with my bow?" I puppydog eyed him.

"Sure, shortcake. Travis will be home soon from the feed store and then y'all can practice together."

"Alright! Sounds good! See ya in a bit!" I ran off to jump on my four wheeler to head out in the woods. We had a whole barn set up with all kinds of targets. I grabbed my bow and shot a few different targets. I heard another four wheeler pull up, but I knew it was Travis so I kept shooting.

"Gab? You in here?" Travis yelled.

"Yep! Come on in!" I loaded up an arrow and pulled back. I didn't hear anyone so I lined up my shot. Right before I shot, I felt a hand grab my side. I jerked, releasing the trigger, and missing the shot.

"Dammit, Travis!! You made me miss!!"

"I'm sorry. I am quite hurt you called me by your brothers name, though." A deep voice spoke. I whipped my head around.

"Joe, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were here. Wait, why are you here?" I questioned.

"I had to see you again. I couldn't sleep from thinking about you. I called, several times, and got no answer. I didn't know if I went too far last night. I can leave-"

I cut him off. "No, please don't. I just wasn't expecting you. I'm sorry I left my phone at home. Last night was amazing, don't worry." I smiled at him. He bent down and wrapped me up in a tight hug. He released me, then captured my lips in a heated kiss. His tongue asked for entrance, which I gladly gave. We battled for dominance until I heard the barn door open.

"Well, damn. Next time, I'll knock." Travis grunted, walking out.

"Hey, Trav? Stay, I wanna take Joe to the meadow. Thank you for bringing him out here"

"Welcome, sis! He met me at the driveway wondering if you okay since you haven't answered your phone."

"Thanks, bro! I'll see you in a bit!"

Joe and I walked out to my four wheeler.

"Well, you gonna get on?" I laughed at him.

"I really hope you can drive this." Joe muttered.

"Oh shut up, ya scaredy cat. I'm a great driver. Just get on"

We both hopped on as we drove down our homemade trail, out to my favorite spot on the property.


"Ain't it beautiful?" I asked as we layed together in the grass. You could hear the creek flowing by. I came here to clear my mind all the time.

"Not as beautiful as you." Joe mumbled into my hair.

"Can I ask you something, Joe?"

"Anything, babe."

I took a deep breath. "Why do you like me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm not skinny, I'm not that pretty, I'm not popular, I'm dirty from the farm all the time. Why'd you decide you wanted to get close to me?"

He sat up and looked down at me. "Well, I've always thought you were beautiful ever since Middle School. I know you aren't stick thin, but I like you the way you are. You're all muscle. I don't care if you're popular or not. Hell, I wouldn't care if I wasn't popular. I like you for you. I'm not just getting close to you, I'm falling for you. Hard. I want you to be mine. How do you feel about that?"

"I can't describe how happy it makes me. You like me for me, nobody has really done that. Everybody wants me to be someone I'm not. I can't be girly, I hate dresses, I love to eat, I can't stand to be forced to act ladylike. I'm me. I don't want to change."

"I don't want you to change. I fell for you just the way you are. You never have to change for me." He looked straight into my eyes.

"Damn, I really wanna kiss you." I whispered.

"Come here then." He smirked.

I pressed my lips against his. Instantly he asked for entrance. I parted my lips slightly, accepting his tongue with mine. After a few minutes, he pulled away.

"I may need to stop kissing you since you haven't even agreed to go out with me." He smirked.

"Yes, I'll go out with you, Joe."

He picked me up and spun my around, placing another kiss on my lips.

"C'mon, lets head back." I grabbed his hand and climbed back on the four wheeler.


*Three Months Later*

It's been three months since that day in the meadow. Things have been going great for Joe and I. I haven't missed a football game. Beth tried to get him back, but he rejected her. We've met each others parents. Mine really loved him, although Travis is being a tad bit overprotective. Joe's parents are extremely sweet, and seemed to like me. His brother is really nice, too. He said they hated Beth, so we had something in common.

Joe truly is an amazing man. He respects my space, and I love him for that. I feel so blessed to have him as my boyfriend. We haven't said those 'three little words' yet, but I think today I may just muster up the courage.

He picked me up for school like he did every morning, but this morning was different. He ran around the truck and cradled me in a hug, gently kissing me. He helped me get in his truck, which is jacked up really high, and I'm really short. He boosted me in, and in the middle of the seat, there were three white roses. He hopped back in the truck.

"Joe, you shouldn't have." I picked up the roses and sniffed them.

"I wanted to. After school, lets hang out, go do something." He pulled out my driveway.

"Like what?" I asked.

"What about bowling?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That sounds amazing, but you know I have chores." I frowned.

"Already talked to your parents, you're off tonight!"

"You're amazing, you know that?" I took his hand in mine.

"Nah, I just have an amazing girlfriend." He continued driving to school. We only had on class together, and it was our first one. We got out the truck and walked hand-in-hand into school. When we were walking up to my locker, I stopped dead in my tracks. There stood the boy who broke my heart.

It was Diego.


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