That One Summer ch.23

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Here's a new chapter! :)


It's been two weeks since my mom called me. I'm forced to go to the Mrs.Berring two lunch times a week. They said it's better than paying a real therapist.

    How cheap.

    "Hey Mal. How are you?"  I looked up and saw Kent sitting down next to me.

    "Oh, hey Kent. I'm fine. How are you?"

    "Okay. So, uh, have you made up about moving?"

    I snapped my head to him. I felt my teeth clench slightly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in.

    "There was nothing to decide on. I'm going to finish senior year here, then when we graduate, I'm going to California State."

    "What? I thought we were all going to the community college here?" Kent was now sitting on the edge of his seat.

    "Well, things change."

    "What the hell Mallory? It's cause of him, isn't it?" He spat out.

    "Thomas? It kinda is."

    "Wow. Sisters before misters, Mallory."

    "Uh, yeah. You're a mister I do believe." I pointed out.

    "So? C'mon Mal."

    "Sorry! Well, I got to get home. Bye." I stood up and walked out of the library.

    I sped home. I just want to sleep right now. Then work on my calculus homework.

    I pulled up to the driveway. Kasey doesn't seem to be here. How odd.

    "Hello? Kacey?" I called when I walked in the door. "Anyone home?"

    "Yep." A deep voice said from the kitchen. I stared at the door to the kitchen in confusion. Who's here?

    Then I recognized the voice.  I ran to the kitchen.

    "THOMAS!" I squealed and jumped into his arms.

    "Hey Mal. How are you?" He asked before leaning down and kissing me long and deep. He pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine. I stared into his eyes.

    "I missed you." I whispered.

    "I missed you too. Hey, is that my sweater?"

    "Maybe." I drew out, smirking.

    "Hm, looks better on you than on me. Although, it does seem big for you."

    "Of course it looks better on me. I'm more beautiful, duh!" I joked.

    "Yeah you are!" He wrapped his arms around my waist.

    "I was just kidding."

    "I wasn't."

    I held his gaze to see if he was really telling the truth.

    "You think I'm beautiful?" I asked shyly.

    "Of course. Why wouldn't' I?"

    "A guy just never said that before. Not even Ke-" I stopped. I don't need to start talking about Kent.

    "Who?" He took a step back. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

    "Kent. He's my friend. We kinda sorta had a thing last year. Now that I'm dating you, he's giving me hard time about everything. He still wants me to date him. I don't like him like that. I could never like him like that." I babbled on.

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