Chapter 21

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I badly want to lay in the bed and get some rest but I know that this day is far from being done. I returned to my room. I wanted to at least get some shower before I go to the dungeon. I wanted that girl's existence be over today. When I enter my room I found Oliver sitting on the edge of the bed. I didn't talk to him. I just simply walk to the closet to get something to wear.

"Cleo, let's talk."

   I let out a deep breath. I'am tired of being angry. I'am tired of not talking to him. I'am tired of everything. I owe him an explanation. I know that I do. Maybe yes, he's a man whore before he met me but he already stop. What's the point of being angry again? Beside he didn't know why I run, Why I suddenly get lost. At least I owe him an explanation. I admit I'm being a bitch without explaining everything first but can you blame me? I'am angry.

"Please let's talk."

I closed my drawer and a lean into it as I face a very miserable looking Oliver. I didn't do anything to him. I just made him run but I didn't torture him. He looks worst than Diva the bitch.

"I'm sorry."

He said. not meeting my eyes. He look at his feet. 

"For what?"

I calmly said. Maybe my anger was not really for him. Maybe it was really for Diva the bitch but since he is my mate and he is involve he also get to taste my wrath.

"For being a man whore. I should have waited for you."

I just noodled while looking at him He's still looking at his feet. He looks like a lost child. 

"Look at me."

I commanded to him. He look at me with a teary eye. He looks like he will going to cry any minute. I wanted to laugh because of his reaction but I know better than to ruin this moment. I can't believe that the Alpha king that I used to fear before is so whipped and teary eyed in front of me. I walk towards him and I sit on his lap. my legs apart from each other and he's in the middle. He hold my back so that I won't fall through the floor. I hold his face and I make him look at me.

"I'm sorry."

I said. Before I hug him. He hug me in return.

"For what?"

He asked. I kissed his neck. I actually want to bite him there. I don't know why but I just do. Maybe because that was the place where my mark will take it's place when the time comes.

"For being a bitch."

I answered while kissing him.

"You have every right to be a bitch."


He answered and I just moan to reply to him. I'am too busy kissing him to properly answer. I wanted to just kiss him but then I remember that I needed to tell him what happened back there. I tried to stand up but he growled and hold me still. That's when I realize that he's having a boner. Ow great.

"I'am going to tell you something."

I said while pushing him away from me. He tarted kissing my neck as well and heat started to ooze in my body.If we continue this we might end up doing the nasty so I still pushed him even thought I don't want too.


He looked at me. His eyes are now in gold. 

"I'd been wanting to mark you Cleo."

I can tell that the one talking is his wolf.

"Now is not the right time. Your mate Arah is not yet complete. Did you want her to be angry because you didn't wait for her?"

I can tell that his wolf doesn't like that because he gave his control to Oliver once again.

"God! Cleo don't do that again. I might totally lose control."

Oliver said freaking out. I just rolled my eyes at him. I lay in the bed. He followed after wards.

"Diva the bitch."

I said looking at the ceiling.

"What about her?"

I still looked at the ceiling. I don't want to look at Oliver cause I might end up being angry at him again.

" Back then, I was supposed to go to your office earlier than usual because I had finish grooming my garden earlier but before I can even go knock into your office door. Diva the bitch is there. Moaning your name."

Shock registered to his face.

" Cleo I swear to the Moon Goddess that I never had sex to any girl the moment I saw you. Back then I only go to my office when I know that you will go there to look for me. I wasn't in my office yet that time because I know your not yet done taking care of your garden."

I looked at him and I gave him my most sincere smile.

"I know. Apparently, Now I know but before? I was so naive and the first thing that comes to my mind is to run away. I run away Oliver, deep into the woods. When my heart calmed a little it was too late because I was out of your territory and I don't know where I am. When I tired to go back, I felt something hit the back of my neck and the next thing I knew, my energy is drained and someone said something but I was too tired to understand and to recognize the voice."

I said before returning my gaze to the ceiling.

"Then Diva might have know something because she definitely did that on purpose."

 "That's why Diva the bitch is on the cell."

I said. He hug me closer to him and then I felt so comfortable. Slowly, I can feel the sleep consuming me. I wanted to take a bath and go to the dungeon but my body has other plans. And the plan is to sleep next to my mate.


"Make sure to shut your mouth Diva."

Diva whimpered in his gaze. 

"I will never do something to hurt you. Don't worry. I won't tell."

She said like a lost child. The man smiled in an evil way.

"Good girl. you know what will happen if you betray me."

Diva just nod and then the man left her inside the cell. Diva curl in fetus position in the bed. She wanted to tell Cleo and Oliver the truth but she was afraid. Afraid of what the man can do to her. She know that the man is capable of everything because he manage to get Cleo before, What more he can't do.

She pray for the moon goddess for guidance and strength to over come everything that is happening right now. She didn't mean anything she had done. She was even happy that finally their king has found it's Queen. But the odds in not in her favor. She was force to do something she didn't want to do in order to save her family and her self. She knows it was selfish of her to do but she didn't have the choice.

She cry silently in her bed praying that the Queen Cleo would not visit her tonight.


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