Chapter 31

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We leave the Blood Moon pack after lunch. Aliyah  and the others are silent. They look like they are going to received their final sentence. I can feel the heaviness in the air. Even Oliver is tense. We don't know what was waiting for us in the Death Moon pack but we also know that leaving my gem behind in there is not an option. It is, Unless Oliver wanted to surrender me to Jasper. This is all my fault. If I only followed my father and my brothers lesson about Jasper and I when we were younger it wouldn't end this way. If I realize what a mistake we have committed before this situation might have been avoided.

Oliver is in wolf form now while I am riding in Olive. The white horse Oliver has given to me. I wanted to be envelop in Oliver's arms right now. I wanted him to assure me that everything will be smooth and that we will have my gem back but I know I can't be such a baby. I need to be strong for myself, my mate and all those people that will be fighting along side with us. I let out a deep breath and Oliver's wolf look at me. I gave him smile to assure him that I'am fine. On my left side Aliyah's wolf is walking. I can feel the tension in her body. For her it's not just a war and my gem, it's also her mate.  

It is true that time indeed will make everything fast when you don't want it too. I don't now how long I drifted to my thoughts all I know is that we were near into Death Moon's border. I can feel the tension in the air doubled. When I started this quest I also thought that our travel is longer than the time we spent in each pack but now, I felt like.. my whole feeling got reverse. The travel was fast and I believe that my stay in this pack will be long. 

We past to the Death Moon's border. My wolf was immediately on edge because the people in here are much worse. They didn't acknowledge Oliver and me, instead they gave us evil glares and growls. Instead of backing down, I can feel my wolf in the surface. I look at Oliver and I can see that his wolf is not happy either. As we walk, people around us divided into two and at the edge of this people is no other than Alpha Michael with an evil smirk in his face.

We continue to walk, but Aliyah stopped staring at something in particular. I trace her gaze and it was leading directly to Alpha Michael. She looks confuse. She don't know what to do. She turn her back to us and quickly shift into her human form before she grab some clothes in her bag. I stopped my horse to wait for her. She look at me with fear in her eyes. I don't understand her, but she walk again  toward  us. She look at the ground. I wanted to ask her why but I know this is not the right time. 

"Your highness."

 Alpha Michael said in a mocking tone. Oliver shifted and wear some trousers that was inside the bag that Alexander holds.


He answered. Alpha Michael look at me still wearing the evil smile in his face. I wanted so badly to rub off that smile. My hold on the horse reigns got tighten.

"My lady."

He said. Like the word amuse the hell out of him. I just noodled. I didn't trust the words in my mouth when I was angry. He scan our group until he landed his eyes on Aliyah. The smirk quickly drop as he stares with Aliyah. Aliyah look at the ground even more. Like she was aware that the Alpha is looking at her. Alpha Michael tried to step forward but I was quickly out of the horse and in front of Aliyah.

"Don't dare, Alpha Michael."

I said, holding his gaze at me. 

"I wanted to see that girls face."

He said seriously. I never left his eyes. It was like we where conducting a war in our eyes.


I ask her still looking at Alpha Michael. Oliver is in my side now. The moment I left the horse he quickly place himself in the middle of Alpha Michael in me. I don't know if I stand a chance in an Alpha like him but I will try if he harm any one in my pack.

"It's okay, My lady."

Aliyah said in almost a whisper. Alpha Michael's eyes got wider when Aliyah spoke. His gaze in me turn into her. Aliyah slowly lifted her head and there, they stare at each other. I saw Aliyah's eyes turning colors. She's fighting with her wolf. Does this mean that.... I look at Alpha Michael and I saw him having the same battle with his wolf. I felt Aliyah hold my arm. as if she was asking for support. 

"That's enough."

Oliver's voice boom in the silent clearing. It snap Alpha Michael into his senses. Alpha Michael return in front of us. gazing at aliyah occasionally while Aliyah let her gaze down.

"The reason you are here, I believe I can't give it to you."

Aliyah hold in my arm tighten. She looks at alpha Michael with anger and furious in her eyes. Alpha Michael's smirk return.

"Then, We will be leaving. Expect a war if that's what you want."

Oliver said with a blank face. Alpha Michael just smiled. I turn my back to him, The other's follow my example even Aliyah turn her back to her mate without hesitation.


We all look back. Alpha Jester looking at us.

"She'll stay."

He said looking at Aliyah. I wanted to said no but Aliyah gave me a squeeze in the arm.

"No, I'm not."

She said with a voice so cold I couldn't believe it came from her.

"Yes. Your are."

Alpha Michael said in more forceful tone. Aliyah squeeze her eyes shut probably trying to contain her wolf.

"No, I'm not Alpha Michael. If you wanted war, We'll meet in war."

Aliyah almost shouted before she turns her back to the Alpha and walk without restrains. I followed behind her.

"You have 2 days to change your mind Michael."

Oliver said before storming off. We stayed in the forest for the night. Every one is silent specially Aliyah. She was looking at nothing in particular. I mind link the others to give Aliyah and I a moment for a while. I sit beside her. When she felt my presence her eyes begin to water.

"How are you?"

I softly asked. She look at the ground trying to contain her tears.

"I'm in hell."

She said. Her voice broke and my hear broke just the moment I heard her. She focused her attention in a dry twig of a trees. Snapping it into many pieces.

"You know you can tell me any thing."

I said. I waited for her to speak. I almost thought she wouldn't open up to me but I guess, her burden is too much to bare.

" You know how much I wanted to have a mate. When I saw him it was like magic, like suddenly my world turn into something so beautiful and radiant. But when I realize who he is, everything crumpled. h-howw.. H-how can I have a mate like him?"

She said while breaking into sobs. I remain quiet not because I want to, but because I don't know what to say. She's hurting and I know I'am partly a reason behind that hurt. She cry some more and then she wipe her tears away as she had another deep breath.

"That moment I hope. I hope that he'll just give the gem to you so you can have your wolf and then there's no need for war and then I can stay by his side and be his mate. In a moment I thought he would change because he saw me, but it turns out he's not. He didn't want to surrender the gem and at the same time he wanted to have me. huh... What a greedy man."

She said while looking at nothing. Her sobs where replaced with a sarcastic laugh. Laugh that I know full of anger,hurt and pain that she's trying to kept hidden in her heart.


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