||Chp 13||

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Chp 13:Is there still hope? 

At Tryston's apartment.

Anderson had lost all hope. He tried to get the one person to turn against Kathleen but that didn't work out. He knew it's time to give up.

It's finally time to confess and come clean.

He has let everyone down. His family. His friends. Even his own brother hates him.He never knew that Brandon and Cooper were close.He didn't bother to know about anything but himself.

It's killing him inside and even though he looks strong from the outside he's broken on the inside. He won't let that emotion come out.No one would understand.No one would listen.There isn't anyone who would trust him anymore.

"I need to come clean I have to report myself. It's done Tryston there's nothing I can do,said Anderson. As much as he wanted to get his old life back, it wouldn't be the same.It would never happen.Kyle is in love with Kathleen and Trisha knows the truth.And Ethan shouldn't be involved in all this.

"Bro we can do this. We only need to get Kathleen out of Kyle's life, make him realize what she really is",said Tryston.

Kathleen did something in the past which was fucked up but Anderson knew he wasn't a saint himself. "They are happy together. Look I know you want to help me. But I did something bad too.And if someone brings up that day I hate it.Everyone wants to know the truth about that night, do you know how it feels?Kathleen will feel the same way. I know Kyle he won't mind what she did in the past. As long as they are faithful in their relationship at the moment", said Anderson. He knows that the past hurts and rehashing it everyday hurts even more.

"So what that's it. We do nothing? ",asked Tryston.He gave up since the abortion took place. He knew what happened was not entirely her fault. It was his too.They were both young and dumb to realise what they did. Anderson was another chance.Another way he could be a part of her life again.He hated her but deep inside his love for her was still burning bright.

"You'll two douche bags are really sick. Like seriously. You murdered someone and the fact that your not in jail till now proves something.They still like you otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here instead",said Connor. He was bored and hated being present with them at the moment."It's just ridiculous if it was me I would find new friends a new life."

Anderson had left the city not only to run away from the nightmare but to have sweet dreams. He wanted a fresh start. He stopped hanging out with Andrew the dick who was there with him that night.That's the reason why he left.He went to L.A and the Hamptons drank away his sorrows,partied all night and slept all day. It was a distraction that made him forget what he did.

"They still care about you.It's time to move on dude",said Connor.

"How do you know what's right or wrong. You don't understand. You don't know how it feels being me",said Anderson.He hated Connor's attitude.

"Oh!  Come on you have everything. You live in a mansion. Your so fucking rich that you could hire a lawyer to get you out of all this. Pssh.I don't know what it is to be you.Gosh. I'm out of here",said Connor and left banging the door.

"He's an asshole. I'm sorry about that.Look I get that you want to give yourself up.But that puts you in more danger.And Connor is right about them still liking you.What about Ethan?,said Tryston. He didn't want to give up.But this whole thing wasn't about him.It wasn't about him getting back with Kathleen. That's never going to happen.

Kathleen knows that he's been helping Andy. She texted Tryst telling him to back off. And if he really loved her he would set her free because she is happy right now with her life. She is happy with Kyle.

It's hard to let go but it's even harder to set someone you like free.

"I can't do that to him.I can make him be a part of my life. I can't hurt one more person."

Anderson knew if he would go back to Ethan it would make things worse.Kyle would hate him more.It would be awkward around his friend Amber he couldn't let him know the truth. He loved Ethan just as much as he loved Kyle. But the truth might shatter him into pieces or worse he would not care because he knew that Ethan would forgive him easily. He was that kind of person always. He never made him feel guilty.

He left him alone.He was the only friend who was excited about him being back.The only person who didn't know the ugly truth about him.Unless Amber told him,but I don't think she would. Not after what happened that night. That night made him forget all his problems.He knew that if he had to start fresh, Amber would be the one who could make that happen.

There was a spark between them. There was a moment when they had a connection. She understood him.She hated him for what he did but she knew that it was just that night. That one drunken night. When a high school graduate had one too many and knew that if his secret got out it would scar his future forever.

He was young and dumb. We all are at that age.No matter if our problems are big or small we feel like the world is falling appart.

All this time he was trying to go after the people he once loved.The people who cared about him.The people who followed him like a lost puppy.

They didn't know the real Anderson they just knew a part of him.A part him that he protected. A mask that he wore to hide his true self so that people would like.

Amber all his secrets.Even then she came to that Christmas party of his.That's the reason why he told her everything. He didn't know why he did it.But he did know this people who knew him would hate what he did,they would never forgive him.

But the people who knew nothing about him.People who he just met saw the real Anderson Grey. The one who would do anything to get back with his old friends. The one who would risk everything to earn his friendship. Neither Tryston or Amber judged him.Amber may have judged him that day at his house when Kathleen came to tell him to stay away.

He hugged Tryston and said, " Dude. I don't need to dwell on the past. I don't know how long I have or whether or not they are going to report me. But I do know this I have now. That's what matters. Your really amazing. "

"What did I do?I hardly helped you",said Tryston.

Are you kidding me dude your a detective you could have arrested me you still can.But you didn't. You helped me that day at the bar. I swear if I would have past out and you were not there no one would come to get me.No one cares. Your amazing and maybe we both didn't get what we want.But we got each other.I owe you my life. I don't need my old life back. I need a new one. I guess that selfish bastard was right. " Andy hugged him again this time longer then before.

" I guess it was destiny that brought us together. It wasn't because we needed to fix our broken relationsip, our broken hearts. It was because we needed to meet each other",said Tryston and smiled. And Andy smiled too after a long time he really smiled. He was genuinely happy.

There was hope. Hope for him to make things right. Hope for him to be trusted again.


(Follow your dreams and stay true to yourself.


Stay tuned for more.

See you soon.)

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