||Chp 27||

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Chapter 27: Closer


New York City was dull and gloomy and so was my life.The past few days have been filled with drama,secrets and lies.I just want to break free from all this madness.

It was two against three.We got eye raises from Kyle and Ethan.I still can't believe Ethan would team up with them.Queen Bee Kathleen had her bitch face on.I wished someone would enter this damn dinning hall and rescue me.I want to be anywhere but here in this awkward position.

I was freaking out.Like literally.Trisha on the other hand had her arms crossed and was ready to say something.Just then it got really dark and low and behold came the storm.

We rushed back into the safe and sound diner. It was now filled with students,faculty and random people who decided to take shelter inside.Anderson too came in the diner all wet and hot just like he is.When he saw the company that surrounded me he gave me a look saying I'm sorry.I was rejoicing that my prayers were answered.

He rushed over towards me and seeing the company I had said, "What's going on here?"

Thank God he came out of nowhere to help me. I don't know how I would deal with this situation.

Kathleen was the first to say something obviously. I'm starting to hate her more than anyone.While hating someone is new to me I do not feel guilty.

"Oh!Hey Andy.It's good to see you have a girlfriend and a side bitch that informs you about us",said Kathleen.Okay now I seriously don't feel guilty for hating her.How could she say that.

"Shut the fuck up Kathy!Look that night was clearly not his fault.You need to stop this bullshit drama,said Trisha ragged.

"What the hell. You were the one who revealed his dirty secret. He is a murderer.You shouldn't be dealing with the devil",Kathleen snapped.

I could see the hurt in Andy's face.The guilty look.He started to tear up.I held his hand for comfort.He didn't snap or say anything.He was silent and didn't say a word.

Kyle looked concerned at the statement.Kathleen on the other hand decided to get physical."Your such a bitch how could you betray us?" After that it was girl fight 1/1.All eyes were on us as Kathleen and Trisha went for the most abusive and violent girl fight I ever witnessed.I could see that my professors were wondering why on earth I'm involved with any of them.

Anderson caught my hand and took me out of there.We walked a couple of blocks from the dinning hall.He was silent.I was silent.It got too silent.

I wanted to say something but I just couldn't find the right words.

That statement she made was true but harsh at the same time.

"Amber I'm sorry you have to go through all this bullshit.I don't understand why I dragged you into this mess.You were perfect without me."

"Andy.My life was never perfect.It wasn't that complicated but it was never rainbows and sunshine.Before you came back to the city you were just a name and now you are a guy whose memory will never fade away,I said assuring him.

"I just wish I never told you about what I did.You would never have to deal with any of this drama.If I could turn back time.I would do things differently. Right now anything I do is wrong and sinful.I just don't know how to make things right anymore."

He broke down crying bitterly. You could barely see his tears as the rain did a pretty good job in hiding that. I gave him a hug.My arms were wrapped around him. He buried his face in my shoulder.I let him cry till he stopped. Sometimes you just need to break down.Andy needed to break down.

I know he is keeping all his feelings locked up inside.The jock personality that he has doesn't allow him to cry about things.But everyone has feelings,no matter who they are.

He finally stopped crying and I let go.Our bodies were soaking wet. The atmosphere and our vibes were pretty much on the same page.

"How are you so perfect? How can you put up with all this madness.The hurt and pain you are going through is bigger than how I'm feeling right now."He took my chin in his hands and moved his thumb slowly searching for an answer.

I thought at that moment I should say it. Why should I keep pushing this feeling away.I've given up everything for him. I know I'll be by his side.I needed to say it but before I could Andy beat me to it.

"I love you Amber."

"I love you too Anderson Grey. "

At that moment I realised that we were falling in love with each other.I would never betray the only friend I had.I would never take such a risk. I was a sucker for him ever since I laid eyes on him that day at college when he returned back to New York.

How is it possible that two different people from different worlds collide with each other?

My lips were soon locked in his.It didn't matter if a freaking storm was upon us,we were at peace with each other and together nothing can tear us down.

A/N :Hey, fam. So here is where Anderson and Amber fall in love with each other.After all the drama filled chapters. I feel this one has just one more secret. Okay so what Trisha said is something to keep in mind. I will reveal the secret soon.
Also spoiler alert someone who everyone thought is dead is alive.
Guess who?




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