||Chp 30 ||

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Chapter 30:I'm not the person I use to be.


I keep replaying that night over and over again.Even though I know the truth a part of me still doesn't believe it. I beat myself up for something I may have not done.

I was the guy no one liked. I tried to be the best. I tried to be perfect but no matter what I did I was still Anderson Grey. The rich guy.The spoiled brat.The player.Everyone had a perception about me.Some got close and realised I wasn't the guy they thought I was. Scared.They walked away.

I was going to end my life because of what I did.I thought what if I leave this world, I would stop hurting.The pain of killing someone. Taking another persons life just so my secret wouldn't get out.I wanted this to go away not because I was guilty but because I couldn't believe I was such a monster.

I can't believe they played me and played me so well.I should give them props for that.Mrs.N was involved too.No wonder.I knew she was stone cold but she would never do that to her own child.I should have figured it out but a part of me thought it was true even though I had my doubts.

They did do a pretty good job keeping this a secret.They think they ruined me but they know nothing.It is because of all their games, new girl and me feel in love.That incident changed me.It has made me a completely different person.

Even though what happened isn't true that incident has scared me for life and I will never be the same.

The power of that pill though.That was some good stuff.Drugs can make you do things you wouldn't have the balls to do if you were sober.

The amount of people who were involved is just surprising.Where is Brandon though?I guess he is hiding with his Dad pretending to still be dead.

"What's going on in that head of yours mate? Coffee?"

That voice brought me back to reality.Tryst walked in the open kitchen and was dressed up in his cop uniform ready to leave.

"Hey! No thanks. I'll grab some coffee with Amber later.Um. I'm sorry but I have to ask. Do you know that Brandon's murder was fake? "

Tryston drops his coffee.I had to ask him. After all the people who were involved I didn't want my roommate to be one of them.

"No.I didn't. Your saying that you faked his murder?"He said in an accused tone.Everyone expected the worst out of me.

"I didn't but #teamtakedownAndy did",I said raising my eyebrows.

Tryston filled with rage said,"Are you fucking kidding me? How did they file a case? And.. Uh! That's just terrible.I knew something was fishy about this case when I saw the file.No evidence.Nothing.Just a suspect."

"Well.I guess your ex knows how to plot things out pretty well."

"Kathleen was involved? Offcourse she was.I just hate her",He raised his coffee mug and drank to that.

Hate is a strong word. I don't hate any of them. They won fair and square but now its time for the lion to roar.

They want to play dirty. So will I. But this time.I'm not going to be a douche.

It's time to reveal everyone's deepest and darkest secrets.No one is perfect.Some people hide their flaws.While some people flaunt it.I always flaunted it because I'm Anderson Fucking Grey and people speak shit about me either way.


I hope you'll liked the chapter (=


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