Preference: daddy to the rescue

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Daughters' first break up
d/n = daughters name
So guys FYI I'm still trying to improve on these... Don't hurt me ☺️ but let me know what you guys liked and what I can improve on. Have any ideas on what I can try to write next? Leave it on the comment section and I'll give it a try.
Thanks loves, Anne.

Dan's POV
It was around 8:00pm. Saturday night and I was just being lazy and on tumblr while y/n was taking a shower. That's when I heard a loud slam of the door downstairs and I went down to see who it was. Before I could get there, d/n runs past me and locks herself in her room. I knock softly on her door three times and wait for a response. I hear her crying and I try again a bit louder this time.

"Go away dad you don't understand!" d/n shouts and I respond calmly, "d/n please open up, you can talk to me you know, I just want to help, that's all."

"No! I don't want you to see me like this." D/n responds a bit frustrated.

All I want to do is help her figure things out. I try to remember what happened before she left or where she was going tonight. It took me a while but then I remembered, she was going on a date with some guy named James.

"d/n? Does this have to do with James?"
She opens her door and let's me in while she runs to her bed and hides underneath it. I remember her doing that as a kid whenever she was hurt or upset. It really does pain me to see her like that. I try asking again and hoping she'll give me some answers.

"Does it d/n? Does it have to do with James?"
She groans in frustration,"it has EVERYTHING to do with James. I saw him snogging someone else at the entrance of the cinema and..." There she goes with the waterworks again. I lift up the bed sheets and get under them. I wrap my arms around her and tell her everything will be okay.

"You know d/n, most men are pigs... Don't trust them." A smile spreads across her face. Hey! I made her smile. 5points for being a cool dad. "But seriously d/n, don't worry about boys now, see this as time for yourself. You know, boys come and go and I understand you feel a bit down but trust me you'll feel better soon. Now care to tell me where this boy lives, maybe me and uncle Phil could go teach him a lesson. By any chance do you have a bat?" At this point d/n is trying to hide her giggles.

Times like these make me proud of being a father. I want to make sure nothing in this world harms her and I want to keep her happy. That's when I get an idea. "d/n. What about you, mum and I go out for ice-cream. Does that sound good?" She looks up at me and nods happily.
I smile and say, "Great! We should probably ask mum first."

Eventually we all go out for ice-cream. And I know she wont be over him soon. But if in this moment she's happy, I would make time stop to keep her that way.


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Phil's POV
Since y/n was out and about doing grocery shopping, I was currently watching the x-Files with d/n. But that's when d/n gets a text message. I resist the urge to see who it is so I keep my eyes on the screen. Then all of a sudden D/n starts crying. I look over at her and see her bawling her hazel like eyes.

"D/n? Is everything alright?" I ask while softly rubbing her back in circles.
D/n then tries responding in between her cries. "No! I can't believe he just broke up with me over text."

Without thinking I sigh and say what I was thinking out loud, "that snob is a jerk." d/n then looks at me and asks what I just said. I just shake my head and hold her close, I reassure her everything will be alright and that maybe he just wasn't the right guy for her right now. The right guy will come soon enough and that's why her now; ex boyfriend, had to be out of the picture.

D/n then wipes her tears off and gives a shy smile. I stand up and say, "What about you go up to your room and maybe distract yourself a little by doing some reading or something." She gives me a puzzling look and says, "yeah, ok.. Maybe not read something but I'll go and do something else." I nod and tell her I would be bringing something up for her in a sec. She then goes down the hall and disappears into her room.

I then walk into the kitchen and see y/n standing there putting the groceries away quietly. She looks up at me and smiles. I ask," how long have you been here for?"
"Long enough to see how well you took care of the situation love."  I then hug her and say,
"I'm guessing this isn't the last of it huh... Ahh the teen years." She then nudges me away with a laugh and continues putting stuff away.

I go into d/n's room with milk and cookies ready to talk about it again but then I realize she's asleep with dry tears on her cheeks and her phone in hand. Still can't believe someone would do such a thing to such a pretty girl. I set the milk and cookies on her bedside table, turn the lights off and walk out quietly. Once I close the door I see y/n leaning on the wall reaching out for my hand. I place her hand in mine and walk towards the living room where she  then rests her head on my arm and with a sigh she says, "you know... This is only the beginning."


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*puts head down in shame* I know, I know I suck at these but don't hate me. I'm just a little bean trying to make decent writing.😁 well I'll see you next time peeps.
Bye, Anne .

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