Dan: surrounded by sadness

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Nursing. What exactly had made you want to become a nurse? You kept thinking and wondering what exactly was the meaning of life. Working here has made you realise how fragile life can be, how delicate our bodies are and how easily our hearts can be broken.

You were sitting in the break room. Just eight minutes ago, a family lost a member of theirs. A grandfather, brother and/or father. The sight of seeing the families reaction made everything go in slow motion. The monitor beeping loudly, announcing his heart had just stopped. The families cries for help and desperation still rang in your ears. The tears streaming down their faces like a waterfall made you feel useless. There was nothing you could do to bring the dead back, to get rid of all things bad, to make diseases disappear.  All this, working at a place like this made you feel insignificant. You had no power to console the families who lost their family members on a daily basis. Up to now, you still don't know how you get to sleep at night. All the things you see and experience make you want to curl up in a ball and make reality disappear for just a moment, never truly forgetting their reaction and their faces. You want everything to be fine and everyone to live with such peace and serenity.

Just then, your phone rang. It was Dan. "Hello?" You answered.
"Hey babe. Are you still at work?"
"Yeah just on a quick break. Why?"
"No, simply wondering. You must feel tired... It's 3 am." And that's when you lost it. Tears began to run down your face. You lost all sanity and your eyes watered at a fast rate. You then realised you were tired, tired of all of this. Of all things injustice and unhappiness.
"Y/n?" Dan asked worldly but waited patiently for you to recollect yourself. "Y/n what is it? C'mon babe answer me." He said gently after a few moments.
"I can't do this Dan. I can't do this anymore."
"What can't you do?"
" I can't stand working here. There's too much sadness and people crying. A family just now lost a family member of theirs." You said while continuing to cry.
"Oh sweetheart. I get it. Would you like me to go pick you up?", He asked calmly.
"Do you mind?", you asked.
"Of course not. I'll be there in ten. Stay safe love." Those small words of encouragement made you feel at ease.

You went over to the front desk and told them you'd be taking the rest of the night off due to the lack of concentration. They agreed and let you go. You then waited in the lobby of the hospital and waited patiently for Dan. Minutes passed and time seemed to be going fast. Maybe it was because you didn't bother checking. Dan then came in running and saw you sitting there slightly slouched with an empty facial expression. He hated seeing you like this. All this caused you to change drastically and it made your daily living different. You weren't exactly the same per say. It's as if you were going trough a daily 'existential crisis'. He went over to you and gave you one of the warmest hugs. It's like if he thought hugging you tighter would put your broken pieces back in its place. Even though it wasn't that easy, that hug of his made you feel loads better. You were engulfed in his sweet scent and loving arms. The way he patted your back and stroked your hair gently. No words were needed, all you really wanted was to stay like this forever, to be in his welcoming arms. You loved how this moment made you feel, for a second, you forgot your troubles and the reason for what you were so upset about.

"Why don't we go home and rest y/n." Dan then separated himself from you and looked in your eyes waiting for a response. You simply nodded and he kept you close while you both walked out of there.

Well there's that! I really enjoyed writing this:) I thought it was slightly different from what I normally write but I liked it. What do you think?
感謝, Anne.

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