Phil: gift giving

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Whenever Phil would give you a gift, he would always think of weird yet cute ideas. For example, last Friday, you weren't feeling too good because you had gotten a cold; therefore, to make you feel better he went out to the store to get you some sweets and a stuffed monkey with a sign that read, "get well soon so we can 'hang' out". As much as that made you laugh, you accepted the gift and thanked him for making you feel loads better. You both decided to cuddle up in the warmest of blankets, eat the sweets he had bought you and watch your favourite film. You then realised you've never been happier to have such an adoring and dorky boyfriend like Phil himself.


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Aw I know it's short guys but I've been meaning to post this one, since it was my first writing I ever did. Well there's a fun fact for you. Hope you liked it either way.
Thanks, Anne.

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