Preference: they work too hard

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Prompt: they are too stressed with working; therefore, you suggest going out.


It was a Friday afternoon and all you saw Dan do today was work on editing some videos for the gaming channel. You hated seeing Dan like this, he would work too hard sometimes and the next day he would either wake up grumpy or be lazy all day. There you saw Dan with his hair slicked back and one hand on his forehead. You went up to him, put your hand on his right shoulder and asked, "hey uh Dan.. Do need me to bring you anything? Maybe water, tea, crisps.. Anything?"
"No I'm alright, thank you though y/n."
"Yup no problem, call me if you need anything." Thats when you decided to leave him alone and check up on him in about an hour or so.

You went to go look for Phil to tell him your concerns. You found him in his room with his phone in hand, the door was opened but you knocked anyway and asked if you could go in.
"Hey y/n what's up?" Phil asked while sitting up and you took a seat on his bed.
"I don't know Phil.. I just don't know what to do with Dan, you know how he gets when he works all day."
"He's still at it?"
"Yeah since noon and it's now 7:30" Phil just looks at you with wide eyes.
"Yeah maybe I should take him out for a drink or something." You suggest.
"That sounds like a good idea y/n. What about you take him out and I'll finish editing whatever he was doing."
"Aww really? You sure you don't mind?"
"Not at all. He needs a break and that way you get to spend some time with him." Phil looks at you with a reassuring smile and you give him a nod.
"Thanks Phil! I really do appreciate it. Thank you loads."

An hour passed rather quickly and Dan was still engulfed in his work. You go into the room he was in and suggest you both go out to have a smoothie or something. But Dan just wanted to finish editing his last video into perfection and only god knows how long that'll take.
"Dan c'mon let's go out for a bit.. My treat to whatever you please."
"I don't know y/n, I appreciate the offer but I gotta finish this."
"But Dan. Listen," you crouch down by his seat and continue saying," maybe you're just too stressed and you're mind just isn't thinking straight anymore and you could mess this up, thats why we should go out to clear your head and when you come back you'll be refreshed and then you'll be able to continue this." Once you're done talking 'convincingly' you smile at him and extend your hand out to see if he'll take it and go out with you.
"Fine. But only for a bit ok." He grabs your hand.
"That's fine with me, thirty minutes is all I ask for."
By now you're making your way out of the flat but before you leave, you go to Phil's room to remind him of your 'little plan'. He gives you a thumbs up and you ask if he needs anything since you're going out, he shakes his head no and you go catch up to Dan.

Now you've made it to you're destination and were ordering bubble tea. After you both got your drinks you walked around the area for a bit to just talk and enjoy the atmosphere.
"Hey y/n I want to thank you for getting me out of the house.. I needed that." He chuckles, finishing his sentence.
"Of course no problem." You smile and wrap one of your arms around him while sipping your drink.

After conversing about pretty much anything that crossed your mind, you both decided it'd be best to start heading home before it got extremely late. As soon as you got home, Dan hugged you and kissed your cheek before heading up to finish editing the videos. You made your way upstairs into the lounge and that's when you heard Dan.
"Hey uh..Phil?"
"Did you, by any chance, finish these up?"
"Oh yeah! Thought you needed some help so I finished them for you."
"Thanks Phil.."
Then Dan makes his way towards where you were and sat next to you.
"Heeey?... Did you have anything to do with any of this?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh shut up you know."
"It doesn't matter, just be thankful for Phil."
"Yeah, but thank you too y/n"
You didn't say anything in return, you just laid your head on his shoulder and enjoyed the silence.


"Hey phil, you almost done with that video of yours?" You walked up to Phil with a smile on your face.
"Uh no not really.. Do you mind you know.. Leaving?"
"Oh, yeah sorry.. I'll uh.. Go." You pointed at the door and helped yourself out. You were surprised at the words Phil had chosen. You didn't want to overthink it, Phil has been working on that video for a good solid two hours and you just thought he was stressed, that's all.

While you waited for Phil to finish you spent time on your phone, tumblr, read books here and there and even cooked for yourself. You went to check up on Phil again just to see how he was doing.
"Hey Phil?"
"Yes y/n?" He sounded a bit apologetic so you made your way into the room he was in.
"Just came to see if you wanted to maybe go out for a walk or something... to take a breather ya know"
"That sounds like a good idea. I probably need that."
"Ok wanna start heading out now?" You ask while pointing behind you.
"Yup" Phil gave you a slight nod.
You both start heading out and Phil grabs your hand. "Hey y/n I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have taken  my stress out on you." Phil looks at the ground while saying this with saddened eyebrows.
"Aw don't worry about it. I completely understand, we can all get like that sometimes." You reassure him.
"Thank you y/n" he then wraps his arm around you and you get closer to him.
Sorry they're short... And lame haha :(
Oh and if you find any mistakes sorry about that too.
Byee, Anne.👋🏽

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