Dan: daughters first day of school

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Prompt: Daughters first day of school. [Dan]
Just so you know, d/n = daughters name.

It was an early Monday morning. Eh let me rephrase that, it was a special early Monday morning. Your daughter d/n is starting school today and she was pretty excited but Dan... Not so much. He worries about every little detail. So far d/n has ate her waffles, brushed her teeth and is off to try doing her hair. You go after her to help and remind Dan that they leave in 5 minutes.

5 minutes later~
"Ok into the car little one" you smile at your daughter and Dan fastens her seatbelt. After she's set in properly Dan sits in the passenger side and you drive to your destination. On the way over Dan asks d/n some questions to make sure she's safe.
"Hey d/n?"
"Yes daddy?" D/n stops playing with her doll and looks up to see her dad.
"Are you happy that you're starting school?"
"Yes I'm sooo excited!" She dances in her seat a little. You look at the rear view mirror and smile.
"Well that's good. Remember you have to listen to the teachers ok. And if someone wants you to do something you aren't comfortable with you go tell the teacher but if it's the teacher then tell another teacher or run out of there. And if you fall and hurt yourself, I put band aids in your backpack oh and if..."
" Dan I believe she gets it ok. She'll be fine won't you d/n?"
"Yes mummy." Her little confused face looks towards you and nods her head.
"Great! Well I guess were here sweetie." You park the car and help d/n out of her seat.

She's too excited she forgot her backpack. Dan grabs it for her and you all head to the entrance. You can see that there are already a few kids inside and hope that d/n goes in and makes new friends. The closer you all get to the actual classroom door you and Dan could tell that d/n is now feeling a bit uneasy so she grabs onto Dan's hand.
"Everything alright little bean?" Dan kneels down and removes strands of hair from her little face.
She doesn't answer so you suggest going inside and walking around the room for a bit. The teacher then sees you all and welcomes you. She looks at d/n and with the biggest smile then says; "well hello there cutie! How are you? Ready to have fun today?"

D/n looks up at her and hides behind you and Dan. Dan picks her up and puts her in front of both of you. The teacher smiles at you and tells d/n about her plans for the day.
"You know what I had in mind we'd do today? I was thinking we could paint something for mummy and daddy.. Anything you'd like, then after that we could all go outside and play on the swings and to end the day we could read a book. How does that sound?"
By now d/n was entertained, hooked on her words and it seemed as if she wanted to stay here.

The teacher recommended you and Dan to leave before d/n changed her mind. You agreed and gave your daughter a tight hug and told her you'll be back later. She smiled and said bye, but not before giving her dad a huge hug as well. By now d/n was playing with other kids and genuinely having a good time.

As you and Dan walked out, Dan kept looking inside the classroom to see how d/n was doing and checking for any signs of discomfort but she was doing just fine. You got in the car, turned it on and still saw how Dan kept his eyes on the building. You rolled down the window and told Dan to come in.
Half way home Dan asked, "how do you think she's doing now?"
"I'm sure she's having a good time Dan."
"I guess you're probably right."

Time skip to when you pick her up from school~

All day Dan kept asking you what the time was or when d/n gets off from school. It was barely 12:15 and school ends at 12:45, Dan insisted you'd both go to pick up d/n already. You explained it was a bit early but he dragged you out of the house. You laughed at his goofiness and took the long way to d/n's school. You got there at 12:32 and was surprised to see other parents there already, guess everyones missing their kid as well. The time passed by fast and Dan went inside to pick her up. When they came out he has carrying her and she seemed really happy for it being the first day and all. You got off the car and asked, "hey cutie! So how's my big girl doing? How did you like school?" As you strapped her in her seat she told you and Dan every specific detail of what they had done today. She handed you her painting of the day and you kissed her forehead.
"Well d/n, I'm glad you survived your first day of school, how about I treat you and mummy for ice cream. Does that sound like something you'd like to do?" Dan asked her and she immediately said yes.

The rest of your day consisted of you getting ice cream, taking d/n to the park and teasing Dan for worrying way too much.

Meh it's whatever tbh but at least it's something. 👌
I have a list of ideas I want to write for this book but if you have any let me know and I can try them out. ☺️
Take care loves, Anne. 💕

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