Phil: first date(?)

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You had invited Phil to go to cinema with you since your best friend got the flu and so she couldn't go along. You were on your way to pick up Phil and by now you were getting really excited because the film you were planning to see, was the film everyone had been talking about and you just couldn't wait to finally watch it. Once you arrived to Dan and Phil's flat you texted Phil telling him you were outside. He texted back saying he'd be down in a minute.

After waiting for a while, you saw Phil coming out the door and giving you a big smile while waving his hand. He looked so adorable, you thought.. Wait no, why were you feeling that way all of a sudden? He's just a friend, a real good friend, a really cute friend.. Ugh you gotta stop with these thoughts. He then got in the car and turned to you for a hug. You happily reached for him to engulf yourself in his warm tight hug. He smelled really good, almost like ginger. Ok seriously though, focus.

"Ready for the movie Phil?" You asked him, trying to get rid of unnecessary thoughts.
"Yes! Thanks for inviting me again y/n"
"Of course, there's no one else I would've thought to share this ticket with." You said dramatically and then laughed. You then kept driving while singing along to the songs that came on the radio and so did Phil.

After driving around to get to the cinema, you both finally made it. You then went inside to pick out some popcorn, sweets and beverages. Phil kindly insisted he'd pay for you since you paid for the tickets. When you went to go take a seat, It surprised you to see not many people were there.  Maybe you were still early and you took that as an advantage because you and Phil decided to take the back seats. You both chatted and laughed until it was time to stay quiet because the film was starting.

*time skip to after the film cuz I'm lazy*

"Oh. My. God. That movie was amazing!" You said loudly while walking outside to the car and giving hops in the air. Phil just laughed at your craziness and followed behind you.
"It was a pretty good one." He smiled. You both then got into the car and started the engine. Phil seemed rather tired so he laid his head on the window. He looked so peaceful with his eyes closed and his hair in his face... Again with these thoughts?!

"Should I take you home now, Phil?" You asked hoping you'd both do something else. You just wanted to spend time with him.
"Wanna go to the park or is it too late?" He suggested.
"Nope. The park it is." You said, even though it was a bit late. It was now 9:30 pm and you still had to work tomorrow, but you did want to spend time with Phil and so you'll take the opportunity. Once you got to the park,  you realised it got a bit too chilly out but shrugged it off and walked along with Phil.
"Look that spot in the grass looks nice. Wanna go over there?" Phil enthusiastically asked.
"Yup!" You said as cheerful as him.
You both laid on the grass and the stars looked absolutely gorgeous.
"Ooh look at that star y/n. Do you see it twinkling?" He asked pointing to the sky. He then noticed you shivering and wrapped his arms around you to keep you warm. Hmm? Didn't really expect this from Phil. Both of you stayed quiet and enjoyed the silence.

That's when you began to think to yourself.. Why does it hurt? What is this aching feeling I feel in my chest? I crave having him by my side like this, under the stars and talk about all things without meaning. I want to hear his voice and I want it to sway me into a sweet slumber. I want to be wrapped around his arms and I wish to feel his hand going trough my hair. I want to fall asleep to the rise and fall of his chest. I want him to look into my eyes and tell me pretty things. I'll hold his hand and wish upon a star to stay like this forever. I want to feel his soft lips against my own. And that's when it happened, he kissed me. Wait! He's actually kissing me? Gosh can he read minds or-? Does he feel the same way as I do? Does he like me too?

"Phil?" I asked almost sounding like a gasp.
"Sorry, you just looked so nice and lost in thought." Phil explained while smiling.
"I- I uh," You sounded unsure and were afraid to tell him how you actually felt. But then you thought, if he kissed you first, then he must think of you in some way. You braved yourself and spoke up. "Phil, I really like you... Not like friends but a little more than that." Your insecurities then got to you. "But it's ok if you don't like me, I wouldn't like myself either if I was you. You don't have to say anything either that's ok-" you rambled nervously. And that's when he cut you off and placed his lips on yours again.
"I like you too, y/n." He smiled and held you close while looking up at the sky again.

Ok I know this is rubbish and a bit rushed but I had to come up with at least something. Oh and does anyone have any better ideas for a title.
Thanks, Anne.

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