Phil: question time!

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Daughter asks where babies come from during breakfast.

It was a Saturday morning and you were cooking breakfast for Phil and your four year old daughter

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It was a Saturday morning and you were cooking breakfast for Phil and your four year old daughter. Phil and d/n were waiting in the lounge watching some cartoons. Once you had breakfast ready you set the plates down on the table and called them to have a seat. You made the typical breakfast which consisted of eggs, bacon and a slice of toast. You and Phil were having coffee while d/n had orange juice.

You three begin to chat about the upcoming school year since d/n will be attending primary this year. You simply wanted to know her opinion and if is she was nervous about anything. It seemed like she had positive thinking and didn't worry much about it. Not too after that conversation died off, d/n decides to speak what's on her innocent mind.

"Yes kiddo?" He asks while eating some toast.
"Where do babies come from?" Phil glances at you and you turn towards him and try to contain your laughter. He looks down to try to compose his breathing and looks at d/n who had such questioning eyes.
"Well, ahem, yes well babies come from uh.. Mommies?" Phil says as if to question his own logic. It was hard for him to explain such easy thing to a child. But how was he going to tell her in full detail. He wasn't prepared to ruin her delicate and innocent brain. That's when you see Phil struggling and speak up, but before that d/n says something else. She then says while giggling, "I know babies come from the mummy but how are they born? Do they have to cut you open? Or does it come from... The butt." She whispers that last part and covers her mouth as if she had just insulted somebody.

"... Well, you're somewhat right d/n. Some mums do have to be cut open for the baby to come out but not all. And no they don't come out of the butt either." You say and she giggles at the last part.

"Then where do they come from?" She questions again. "Why don't we leave this for some other time and finish our breakfast before it gets too cold. She nods and doesn't argue. You're thankful because then it would give you some time to adequately prepare a simple yet explanatory answer. You look at Phil and notice he's already looking at you to see if he finds any answer to what is going inside your head. You simply shrug because you know it's absolutely normal for young kids to have all these types of questions. You honestly didn't want to go through the same thing again and have to explain this to your daughter; therefore, you suggest going to the park to get her mind off these types of questions, at least for now. Once you stated your plans you look at Phil to see if he's ok with the idea and he nods then you look at d/n and she as well nods her head repeatedly while drinking her juice box.

*time skip to the park*

Now that you've arrived at the park, d/n goes and runs towards an empty swing. You and Phil decide to have a seat on one of the benches. After a moment of silence, Phil speaks up and asks, "where do you think she got that question from?" You look at him and lay your head on his shoulder. "I don't know, but I know this won't the last of it." You smile thinking about all of the crazy and innocent questions your daughter will come up with in the upcoming years.


Meh ig it's alright haha 🤔💩😂🔫
Bye, Anne.

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