Dan: days like these

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You catch him doing something funny and then hang out with Dan afterwards.

You were currently making your way towards Dan and Phil's flat to have dinner with Dan

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You were currently making your way towards Dan and Phil's flat to have dinner with Dan. He had invited you over to watch creepy films and eat some popcorn after dinner. You happily agreed to be there since it was a Friday night and there was nothing to do at your place. You made it inside the building and Phil had opened the door for you. You thanked him and once you got inside you heard music being played... Was that Beyoncé? Yup it was. You could hear Dan singing along to the words of the song, 'single ladies'. Classic. The thought of him singing made you giggle. Phil went into his room and told you to have fun. When you stopped by the kitchen door, you saw Dan dancing and singing with a wooden spoon in hand twirling around in his pjs and not even noticing your presence.

You tried to contain your laughter but simply couldn't resist any longer so you let out a loud laugh and Dan saw you standing there, he was in complete utter shock.
"Oh Dan, don't mind me" you told him still laughing. "Shake them hips" then and there you lost it again and the sight of you laughing made Dan laugh along with you as well.
"Ok ok I get it. Chill." He told you playfully.
"I'm sorry, it's not often I see you dancing around to Beyoncé." You tell him wiping your tears from laughing too hard.
"Glad you enjoyed the sight because it ain't happening again." He said.
"Oh cmon Dan lighten up hmm, thanks for making me laugh." you say while patting his shoulder. He smiles and tells you dinner should be ready in less than ten minutes. You couldn't be happier because you were starving. Precisely today, all you had was an apple and a slice of pie they were giving at work, you couldn't wait to dive into dinner.

After dinner, you both cleaned up and you thanked Dan for such a delicious meal. "Hey is Phil not going to eat?" You asked with a hint of concern in your voice.
"Nah, Phil ordered something for himself earlier." He tells you and you nod understandingly. After you are done cleaning up, Dan goes to the lounge and sets up a movie he had chosen for you both to watch. You're not too sure what film it is but simply go along with it. During the film, your back starts aching from all the sitting straight up against the couch; therefore, you lay on your side, hands supporting your head and your feet laying softly over Dan's legs. He covers them up with the blanket he was wrapped around in and you feel the warmth.

As soon as the film ends, Dan asks, "hey y/n, did you like the film?" When he doesn't hear you speak, he faces you and says, "y/n?" He then realises you're sleeping and gently removes your feet from him and sets them on the couch. He covers you with his blanket and has you rest there. He begins to walk to his room and even though he knows you can't hear him, he says 'goodnight' and turns off the lights. The next morning, you wake up confused as to where you were. You then remembered you came over to Dan and Phil's flat to hang out with Dan. You then smile at how nice Dan was to wrap you up in a blanket. You checked the time and it was 7:22am, it was still too early to wake up the boys so you quickly made breakfast for them as a 'thanks you' and made a note stating how thankful you were and that you would phone them later. With that done, you left the flat.

I now give all of you permission to hate me due to how terrible this is 😂

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